This week’s Florida visit — well, our June, 2019, visit — showcases a few Florida shorebirds. We got a lot of entertainment out of the Ruddy Turnstones flirting with the edge of the waves!
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It’s hard to walk a Florida beach without seeing a White Ibis (or ten), fishing for its dinner!
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Snowy Egrets are like Ibeses. Well, not EXACTLY, but they’re just as common, and equally willing to wander around the people clogging up the beaches.
Last Week on Inspy Romance
On Monday, Ginger Solomon announced you are not just anything… and #giveaway.
On Tuesday, Deb Kastner informed us why she writes inspirational romance.
On Wednesday, Sally Bayless presented a new release alert for Love Once More.
On Thursday, Narelle Atkins asked us about hot tea and a good book… and #giveaway.
On Friday, Laurie Larsen is getting it right.
On Saturday, Julie Arduini shared what God always knew… and #giveaway.
Next Week on Inspy Romance
Monday: Jolene Navarro
Tuesday: Valerie Comer (Characters We Love to Hate… and #Giveaway)
Wednesday: Toni Shiloh (Christmas, Christmas, Christmas!)
Thursday: Shannon Taylor Vannatter (A Long Time Coming… and #Giveaway)
Friday: Jaycee Weaver
Saturday: Elizabeth Maddrey
I’ve got probably ten photos of this gull trying to figure out how to swallow the fish he captured. For all I know, he might still be standing at the water’s edge, hungry…
New Releases
March 2020
Making Believe (Imagination 8) by Staci Stallings
Look for Me (Vacation Sweethearts 4) by Jan Thompson
Accept Me (Chapel Cove Romances 8) by Marion Ueckermann
Love Once More (Abundance 4) by Sally Bayless
February 2020
Glimpses of Gossamer (Urban Farm Fresh Romance 8) by Valerie Comer
The Texan’s Promise (Cowboys of Diamondback Ranch) by Jolene Navarro
Jayne: Fair English Rose (Connections Collection 1) by Marion Ueckermann
Michael: Man on a Mission (Connections Collection 2) by Marion Ueckermann
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Hi Valerie! Wow, the Florida bird pictures are fascinating. You captured the bird’s spirit. The first time I saw an Ibis was at the zoo in Heidelberg, Germany. Best wishes.
I always look forward to the new releases section!
Thanks for sharing your lovely bird pictures! I have never seen those types of birds before.
Thanks for the bird photos! I love to watch birds, they are so fascinating!
We have ibis’s that always flock around the house. Sometimes there’s just about 6, other times there’s around 30. They also like to eat snakes! We’ve even had a pair of sandhill cranes come to visit! I got up kinda close to them to take a picture. Not too close, but as close as they’d let me! They even stood still for me to take the pics!
Love your photos! When we travel, I enjoy seeing both the exotic birds and our local birds who have flown south to warmer climes during our bitter winters – hummingbirds, orioles, common egrets, etc. I always find myself admiring their common sense. ;). Occasionally robins will attempt to winter over in our area; I both feel sorry and SMH at them as it’s not a brilliant decision.
I imagine our Lord watches me at times with a similar perspective; occasionally shaking His head at my impudence or ignorance. Interesting & sobering thought. I hope you enjoyed a beautiful trip.
Birds fascinate me while also completely annoying me. My kids find them creep for some reason. Thanks for sharing your pictures!
Thanks! We enjoyed the birds, but the ruddy turnstones were our favorite. :)
Yay! I’m glad you like seeing our new books. Happy reading :)
I’m glad you enjoyed them :)
They really are!
I’ve only seen a sandhill crane once locally, and we saw a bunch of them in California in November, which was cool. Thankful for a decent zoom on my camera for sure, as we’ve never gotten close.
I love that, Penelope. So, so true. You reminded me of a book of devotionals my mom had many years ago that was cute little bird stories with a scriptural basis. I’ll have to see if I can remember the title, because it’s going to bug me now!
My son-in-law is a very avid birder, so I’m far more aware of birds than I was before he joined our family!
I love watching the birds when I’m at the beach, especially the gulls and sandpipers
They’re so interesting!
Valerie, your post is for the birds and beautifully so! :) The majority of my photography hobby has been spent on nature and landscapes but I have never had much success with animals. Perhaps a better zoom lens like you mentioned would do the trick. Enjoy your week!
Thanks! It’s mostly nature and landscapes (and seascapes!) for me, too. My camera is a Canon Powershot – can’t remember the number, but it’s about 8 years old, I think. The built-in zoom is pretty decent.
Thank you for sharing!
Have a blessed Sunday!
Thanks for stopping by :)
I love watching birds!!! Love the photos, thanx for sharing!!!!
Congratulations to the winners.
We love watching the birds in our backyard.
You’re welcome :)
We do, too!
Thank you! I was one of the lucky February gift card winners!
Have a good week Valerie!
I enjoyed the picture of the American White Ibis, the Snowy Egret and Franklin’s Gull. In Ohio we have The Great Blue Heron which is territorial and stands like a statue, then moves in slow motion to catch the fish it spied. We also have plenty of seagulls which have plenty to eat at the beach and further inland with bits of food from junk food and trash bins. Purple Martins swooping , Mourning Doves with their soulful songs, Robins snatching worms and Downy Woodpeckers nibbling insects from inside trees are other birds here.
Congratulations, Linda! Enjoy your new books :)
Thank you for that lovely list! We have great blue herons here in SE British Columbia, too. One of my favorite birds.
nice pictures of the shore birds
Thanks! They were fun to watch.
Love the birds. Such amazing design that they can spread wings and mostly fly!
Great pictures!
I’m glad you enjoyed them, Susanne!
Yes, so many shapes of them created to fly!
Hello from the gulf coast of Mississippi! I enjoy watching the birds in our area. In fact, my husband and I are building our dream home on a bayou that connects to the Mississippi Sound. We have already enjoyed seeing bald eagles, osprey, pelicans , kingfishers, egrets and herons from our house site! Gulf living is my idea of heaven.
Lovely photos, Valerie! Thank you for sharing! 😊
Thank you!
Sounds amazing! We flew over your area just at sunset on our way back (Orlando > Phoenix flight). It was all aglow! I’d love to visit sometime, feet on the ground.