Happy August!
I always feel like August is the beginning of back to school time. Of course, this year things are just bizarre, but I still feel like it should be back to school time.
Locally, our public schools have all chosen to remain 100% virtual for at least the first quarter. I suspect they’ll continue to extend virtual only through the entire school year. I don’t blame them – our schools are over crowded and that’s not a great situation when you’re trying to distance. On the other hand, I feel for the parents who are trying to figure out how to make it work as many in this area rely on two incomes to survive.
It just doesn’t seem like there are any solutions where everyone wins.
I’m grateful that we were already homeschooling (and that we have been in a position where it works for our family and we’re able to make that choice) so the current upheaval in the world doesn’t impact us as much on the school front.
But we’re praying for our public school friends. Because this is hard for so many.
What are the schools near you doing?
Winners this Week
If you’re a winner, you should have received an email from the author in charge of the giveaway. If not, please email us at: prizes at inspyromance dot com.
Our two monthly gift card winners for July were Mary Preston and Denise!
Merrillee Whren’s winner was Penelope!
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Specials this Week
Tackling the Fields by Janet Ferguson is free through today!
Reader Gathering
Did you know Inspy Romance hosts a Christian Romance Reader Gathering group on Facebook? Laurie Larsen will be taking over the group this week. Join us… but don’t forget to answer the questions for admittance!
Last Week on Inspy Romance
On Monday, Deb Kastner talked about a western author’s midlife crisis.
On Tuesday, Merrillee Whren asked about front and back matter.
On Wednesday, Narelle Atkins recommended Hope for Tomorrow.
On Thursday, Laurie Larsen talked about finding God’s message.
On Friday, Sally Bayless talked about the similarities between fiction and crochet.
On Saturday, Shannon Taylor Vannatter asked why contemporary romance.
Next Week on Inspy Romance
Monday: Toni Shiloh
Tuesday: Jaycee Weaver
Wednesday: Special Guest Post – Becky Doughety
Thursday: Tara Grace Ericson
Friday: Valerie Bodden
Saturday: Jan Thompson
New Releases
August 2020
Finding Love for the Workaholic (Matchmaking Moms of Oceanview Church 3) by Laurie Larsen
The Price of Dreams (Faith & Fortune 3) by Toni Shiloh
Sing with Me (Seaside Chapel 3) by Jan Thompson
July 2020
Hope for Love (Hope Ranch 3) by Elizabeth Maddrey
The Truth About Fame (Faith & Fortune 2) by Toni Shiloh
Poppy’s Proposal (Bloom Sisters Book 2) by Tara Grace Ericson
Finding Love for the Loner (Matchmaking Moms of Oceanview Church 2) by Laurie Larsen
Second Chance Forgiveness (Pinecrest 3) by Merrillee Whren
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I am in South Australia (the state) and our schools are open and have been since term 2. In Victoria they are about to go remote teaching again. My state has been covid free until the past week and all have come from interstate. We hope it won’t go further.
I am also in a smaller country town (6,000) so the schools are not as crowded. My friend is in Alabama and some schools are closed and some open. She isn’t happy that her son’s school is open.
It’s just so tricky to figure out. I’m very glad you’ve been able to stay covid-free where you are. I hope the little surge goes away quickly.
I’m it a parent, but I really feel for my parent friends during this time! Especially the single parents.
Yes! Single parents have to do it all – adding on virtual school management seems like too much
I’m not a parent, but from what I hear, our schools haven’t totally decided what they are doing yet! I know some of my friends will be home schooling for the first time, as they aren’t comfortable sending their kids back yet. I feel sorry for the ones that can’t work from home, as childcare is hard to figure out right now, as some day cares aren’t open.
It’s all such a mess. Not having a plan in place has got to be stressful for the parents!
So far, things are still virtual in our neck of the woods. Our nieces and nephews are affected but they already have one stay at home parent so it’s functional.
Blessings for a new week!
So sad these times we are in…I have no school age children, but here in NE Florida they have no clue what they are doing, one day they insist on in school learning, then they want to postpone it a few weeks, then they say parents can opt for home schooling….I am glad I do not have to make these choices 😥
It’s so much easier (or easier-ish, I guess) when there’s already a parent who can and does stay home. Less scrambling, at least.
This is how I feel! We are already committed to homeschool, so I’m not making a new decision. But gosh I hurt for the families who are scrambling to figure things out right now.
Amen to that..and prayers to everyone 🙏
Sadly, a real mess in Florida. Today dealing with tropical storms which was at one time a hurricane. Add that to Covid-19 and the end seems far away
My friend in Orlando area texted me yesterday that a hurricane was the most normal thing they’ve had going on all year.
But I’m glad it didn’t make landfall with high winds for y’all!
Where are you located in FL, Yvonne?? I’m in West Melbourne, Brevard County. All we’ve gotten so far are the outer bands. We’re to get more from noon to midnight tonight. Last I heard, they said the eye might pass over us.
Hi Elizabeth! Blessings to you this Sunday morning. In SW Michigan schools plan to open either August 31 or September 7. Two options available in person or virtual. Virtual learning is for an entire semester – till Jan. 22. My oldest son works from home, his wife at a dentist office and with three kids at three different levels – high school, middle school and elementary the plan is virtual at Oma and Opa’s house. Dad has quiet to work, kids have a change of location. We have the space and I am a retired certified teacher. I have taught all grade levels. Hubby is a retired pastor and he taught college. We will work with the schools virtual academy for the curriculum. Elementary kids teachers will supply the curriculum. Proud of my kids school system, the one I worked at for 20 years – they are sharing the Virtual program with a smaller school system in the county. Trying times. So much uncertainty, but would rather ire on the side of caution. May God grant us all wisdom and strength. Best wishes.
Hi, well here in west Texas school starts tomorrow, some kiddos will be having virtual school and the kiddos that have no means of having school virtually will be attending classes. I have a fourteen year old granddaughter and an almost 12 yr. old grandson and I am very grateful that our son in law an RN retired in Feb. not too long after this whole craziness started, so he finished helping with my 2 grandchildren school work when they closed the schools, so now he will be helping them again since our daughter works mornings and full time, she is an RN and works at our local hospital’s Pharmacy. So prayers are appreciated for all children that will be attending school. Our granddaughter is in Marching band and they will have to attend that and also sports. Our 9 yr. old grandson and his dad (our son) also live in Texas , they live 6 hrs. away from us and he will also have virtual classes. Our whole World is in need of much prayer. Have a Great week and stay safe. God bless you and your family. Congratulations to the winners.
I love that you’re able to help! That’s so wonderful for your grandkids and kids.
Oh wow! That’s an early start! So glad you have options that are working for your family – but yes! So much prayer needed all around.
I’m in Michigan too Renate, Mid-Michigan. I don’t think our schools have decided exactly what they are doing yet. My son graduated this past May, technically, and is just finally able to have his ceremony tomorrow. Due to other reasons he is going to have to wait until next term to start college. I know they are planning to do a good share of that virtually but with the field he’s going into they need the school’s equipment to learn on so I’m not sure how they will be doing that. Maybe him having to wait will be beneficial in that as well but I hate to stop the ‘school flow’ where that’s not ultimately the best idea. I feel awful for what the schools are having to go through to deal with all of this! Just trying to plan this graduation ceremony alone has been miserable! I lost track of all of the “alternate dates” a long time ago. The first few had alternates for rain. We are still due for scattered showers tomorrow but with the limited tickets allowed I hope that will stay the same if they have to move inside!
The good part of this whole thing is KNOWING every part of this is in God’s perfect plan! What a confidence we have in that!
My county in WV will open school in September and the first half of the alphabet will attend Monday and Tuesday, closing for cleaning on Wednesday, second half of the alphabet on Thursday and Friday.
Yes! I am glad we can rest in God!
Ooh – that’s a creative plan! I’m glad they have an idea to try that will hopefully keep everyone safe but still provide some help with in person school needs.
My youngest is going virtual for the first semester, so far.
My middle’s university has a mix of traditional, hybrid, and virtual. He’s a senior and in the accelerated Master’s program.
My oldest’s grad school is a hybrid. He still has labs from last semester. It’s his final year of his doctorate.
Congratulations to the winners. Thank you for my prize.
I hadn’t even thought of grad schools – gosh, labs have to be a nightmare right now! Praying they can all finish on schedule somehow.
It depends on how hot your location is – some schools are back and others are still online. Where a school is back and covid infections are detected the schools are mostly automatically shut down like the one next to my mother’s home in Adelaide, South Australia. There is also a difference between the public schools and private schools in Australia, with the private ones having more options for virtual schooling. It’s easy to tell which private schools near here are shut down as the mammoth roar of children leaving school every afternoon occurs at different times for different schools and it has been remarkably peaceful for quite a while. :)
another 2 today. its still contained but its a worry. There are so many people who came across the border and are doing the wrong thing. (many came across back roads.) Hopefully things will be fine.
I am so glad we don’t have to make any decisions. When our kids were young we both home-schooled and sent our guys to public – whichever seemed to be the best decision for each child at that time. It was never easy. Our local and state schools, led by our state governor, seems very confused about what they will do this fall and the parents are stressed. Bottom line, 2020 has been a very difficult year. Our land surely is in need of prayer.
I live on the Oregon coast and I think our schools are still trying to figure this whole thing out (we don’t start until September)! Our governor has laid down rules for our schools to have in person classes and I don’t think any of ours will meet those goals; at least not right now. I’m pretty sure we’ll start the school year completely online, I just have that feeling. We are raising our six year old grand-girl right now & last year she missed the last 6 months of Kindergarten. I found out I am NOT a teacher & am wholly unprepared for the daunting task of tackling this. Both my husband and I have had to go to God with lots of prayer and ask for guidance. It certainly is different from when our kids were in school many years ago, things have changed so much! I’m really concerned trying to start 1st grade teaching her because it’s just such an overwhelming job….I certainly appreciate teachers so much more. Not that I didn’t before, but they have big shoes to fill! :-)
We’ve chosen to have our three kids do remote learning this year. The other option was a hybrid model. With all of the uncertainty, I think it’s easiest to have my kids home school this year. In normal times, the 7th would have been their first day, but that has been pushed to the 24th. Good luck to all the parents and students out there!