Last week I counted how many fiction books I’ve read this year. I usually don’t set a reading target or participate in reading challenges. In January I decided on 50 books as my number for my 2021 reading goal, the majority being CCR. We won’t discuss how many books I’ve purchased this year. I’m running true to form and acquiring more books than I’ve had time to read. My habit of electronic book hoarding continues on. So far this year I’ve finished reading 20 books, which means I’ll likely reach my goal of 50. Do you count the number of books you’ve read? If yes, are you on track to meet a 2021 reading goal?
Winners this Week
If you’re a winner, you should have received an email from the author in charge of the giveaway. If not, please email us at: prizes at inspyromance dot com.
Liwen Ho’s winners are Renate and Linda Kish!
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Reader Gathering
Did you know Inspy Romance hosts a Christian Romance Reader Gathering group on Facebook. Tabitha Bouldin will be our host this week. Join us… but don’t forget to answer the questions for admittance!
StoryChats @ InspyRomance
Story Chats is back this week with an all new episode launching Friday! Elizabeth, Valerie, and Narelle talked about real life settings in CCR with Janet W. Ferguson in our last episode. You won’t want to miss it!
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Last Week on Inspy Romance
Monday: Milla Holt discussed how Everyone’s got talent, right?
Tuesday: Liwen Y. Ho talked about Indie vs. Traditional + #Giveaway
Wednesday: Deb Kastner discussed Military Appreciation Month
Thursday: Tabitha Bouldin asked Arrrr you ready?
Friday: Laurie Larsen shared My Day on the Red Carpet… + #Giveaway
Saturday: Narelle Atkins talked about When Reading Becomes Unhealthy…
Next Week on Inspy Romance
Monday: Janine Rosche
Tuesday: Melanie D. Snitker (A Royal Question + A Giveaway)
Wednesday: Tara Grace Ericson (Beyond Bakers: CCR Heroines with Unique Careers)
Thursday: Merrillee Whren
Friday: Teresa Tysinger (Makings of Beloved Supporting Characters)
Saturday: Shannon Taylor Vannatter (Daddy’s are Special #Giveaway)
New Releases
May 2021
Topaz Treasure (Pot of Gold Geocaching Romance 1) by Valerie Comer
Stealing the First Mate (Independence Islands 11) by Tabitha Bouldin
Once Upon a Summer by Jaycee Weaver, Toni Shiloh, Teresa Tysinger, and two others
Retying the Knot (The Fab Forties 1) by Liwen Y. Ho
So You Want a Second Chance (So You Want to be a Billionaire 1) by Elizabeth Maddrey
June 2021
Love’s Treasure box set by Elizabeth Maddrey, Valerie Comer, Valerie M Bodden, Mandi Blake, and ten others
Someone Found (Laurel Cove Romance 3) by Teresa Tysinger
Resisting Rose (Bloom Sisters 6) by Tara Grace Ericson
A complete list of Inspy Romance books by our authors is always available on our BOOKS tab. Find our audiobooks, our permanently free e-books, and our thank-you gifts for newsletter subscribers there as well!
It’s so easy to buy books, especialky free or inexpensive ones, it just takes a moment. What a pity I can’t read and enjoy them so quickly. Sincerely yours, your fellow ebook collecter :)
I’ve got an out-of-control to-be-read pile, as well, consisting of both fiction and non-fiction. I get through about a book a week. No targets, but I do have lists of books I want to read. For quite a while, I’ve been meaning to make better use of Goodreads to keep track of my fiction and TBR lists.
Blessings this Sunday morning, Narelle. This avid reader and retiree sets a goal and keeps track of yearly reading on Goodreads. Since the grandkids attend Oma’s Virtual Academy, this year my goal is to read 11 books a month or 132 books a year. I primarily read romances (contemporary and historical) or cozy mysteries. But since I am the teaching coach to my first grade granddaughter, I have included children’s books. Since we will be vacationing at Williamsburg, Virginia and her brothers are studying American History in 8th and 10th grade, I am also reading history and travel logs. Presently I am 5 books ahead. I have read 56/132 books or 42% of my goal. 5 of those books are boxed sets, so I have read more than 56 books. Best wishes and enjoy your day.
I have over 60 actual paperbacks in TBR stacks, and over 3k on my Kindle. I, too, keep buying more books!! Last year was the first year I kept track of how many books I’d read, and it was 222. So far this year, I’ve read 90. There are a few books that I’ve read twice this year already, but I’m only counting once for those!
I think all of us are kindred spirits:). No reading goals
I set my goal on Goodreads for 100 books total, including nonfiction and Bible reading. So far, I have finished 35 books, which Goodreads says is 4 books behind schedule. ;) I’m not going to stress if I don’t reach that, as I plan to read more nonfiction than usual this year, and those always take me a lot longer to read.
I don’t really track how many I read because it is quite sad at times. I never read as many as others. I’m a very slow reader! I may have read 20 last year. My mom reads over 100 but she is retired.
I use Goodreads reading challenge and set a goal of 100 books a year and so far am one book ahead. I usually exceed that number by the end of the year.
Happy Sunday IR, God bless!
I don’t count how many books I read. Some are quick and light and others great tomes.
Congratulations, Ladies. I set a Goodreads goal of 80 books. I have had a lot of family issues that have changed our lives. I am not going to make that goal. I do enjoy obtaining books. I do have a lot in my TBR pile right now. I need to get myself to sit and read. God bless you. I hope you have a marvelous week.
I don’t set a yearly goal but I do keep track of how many books I read each year.
Wow. I’m still reeling from yesterday’s discussion about how unhealthy my reading habits are and now you’re asking me to quantify my brokenness? I’m still in denial, though, so maybe I can get through this. I don’t keep track of how many books I have read. I’m a slow reader so I’m guessing that it’s about 3 or 4 a week. So, that would put me in the 150 to 200 per year range. Yeah, that seems about right. Especially compared to how many ebooks I buy. On average, my TBR pile continues to grow. Oh brother, I’m really in deep.
Hi Dianne, yes, it’s too easy, lol. A few years ago I made the hard decision to only accumulate free and 99c ebooks that I’d realistically move up to the top of my tbr list. Occasionally those ebooks are ones I’d seen promoted in the past and had chosen not to buy for various reasons. Sometimes due to price (I usually won’t pay more than $10 Aussie for an ebook). Sometimes I am capable of exercising some self control and staying within my book budget! Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Milla, yes, I keep thinking I should use Goodreads more often. I tend to forget to flick through to the end of the Kindle ebooks to reach the pop up screen where I can add it to Goodreads. Thanks for commenting. 😊
My Goodreads goal for this year is 120 books, and so far I’ve read 52. I only read print books, so my TBR pile isn’t too bad. There are a lot more books on my non-fiction TBR pile than my fiction one, and some of those have been there for several years.
That being said, I have also been ordering more books lately, so the fiction TBR pile will grow, but it also gets read a lot faster.
Hi Renate, Oma’s Virtual Academy sound like lots of fun! Well done on tracking your reading progress and being ahead of your target. Enjoy your upcoming vacation and thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Trudy, Well done on keeping count and powering through your TBR list. Lately I’ve been reading books a second or third time as part of my preparation for StoryChats episodes. I’m catching up on writing book recommendations on my blog to use as a resource for the episodes. I’ll often half remember something from a book. That’s okay when the author only has a few published books. In situations where the author has written a large number of books in multiple series, it can be hard to find the book I only half remember. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Jcp, yes, I agree. A number in my head doesn’t generate performance anxiety, lol. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Lila, I wasn’t aware that Goodreads sent reading goal updates… I’ll stick with the number in my head as my official goal, lol. I find nonfiction is either super-fast to read eg. I devour writing craft books, or it takes me ages because I read fiction at the same time. Well done on staying on track for your 2021 goal. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Lisa, I think quality is more important than quantity. I’d rather read 20 excellent books that I really enjoyed than read 50 books that ranged in quality. I don’t count the number of books I start reading (Chapter 1, maybe Chapter 2) but put aside for various reasons. Sometimes it’s lack of time, or it’s not what I feel like reading, or the story isn’t engaging me but may be perfect for me to read later. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Trixi, Well done on being ahead of your Goodreads goal. If I’m going to set a goal, I like it to be achievable. I’m one of those people who becomes demotivated if the goal is too large and unrealistic. Often ‘as much as possible’ is my preferred goal. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Mary, yes, the great tomes take a lot longer to read than a romance novella. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Debra, yes, life has a habit of interrupting our best laid plans. Family is more important. I hope you’ll have more reading time soon. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Jessica, I need to become more organized in how I track my reading. Thanks for commenting. 😊
I’m ahead of the game.
Hi Lincoln, lol. 3 or 4 books per week isn’t a bad reading pace, imho. As long as we ignore the data on acquiring new ebooks vs. reading new ebooks, it’s all good! My print book tbr pile is shrinking, but that’s due to supply issues for buying books in Australia rather than anything I’m doing. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Beth, Well done on your Goodreads goal progress. My tbr print book pile is looking good at present. I haven’t purchased many paperback this year, and I’ve had a few print book orders cancelled due to supply issues. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Denise, Well done! It’s always a good feeling to be ahead. Thanks for commenting. 😊
I use Goodreads to keep track of my reading. For the last few years I have set a reading goal, but it doesn’t really mean much to me. I don’t stress if I’m behind or not going to meet the goal.
I always figure a book a week is good for me!
I don’t count the number of books I read and I don’t have any goals – just reading to my enjoyment :)
Hi Patty, That sounds like a healthy way to use Goodreads. A book a week works for me. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Natalya, that’s a great way to read for pleasure. This year I’m a bit more structured in my reading choices to make sure some of the books can fit upcoming StoryChats topics. Thanks for commenting. 😊