Back at home, we aren’t strangers to wildlife.
My boys enjoy watching the bird feeders (and let’s be fair, so do I!) We get the usual suspects: cardinals, warblers, sparrows, goldfinches, red bellied woodpeckers, downy woodpeckers, juncos…you get the idea.
So when I looked up one morning and this guy was hanging out, I was quick (but actually moving very slowly, lol) to try to grab some pictures. I even managed to call for youngest to creep upstairs and get a look.
He hasn’t been back to the suet, but I have seen him soaring on the air currents over the neighborhood.
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On Monday, K Leah had an interview with her characters Bristol and Brexen.
On Tuesday, Deb Kastner talked about five things.
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On Thursday, Laurie Larsen said “Let’s hear for for the boy (or girl)”
On Friday, Janine Rosche focused on shoulders, jawlines, and pecs (oh my)
On Saturday, Jan Thompson asked what’s your holiday?
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Tuesday: Narelle Atkins
Wednesday: Liwen Ho
Thursday: Merrillee Whren
Friday: Tara Grace Ericson
Saturday: Heather Gray
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March 2022
The Billionaire’s Nanny (Billionaire Next Door 1) by Elizabeth Maddrey
Joined at the Hip (Fab Forties 3) by Liwen Y. Ho
Hearts and Goals (Original Six Hockey Romance 4) by Carolyn Miller
Love, Faith & Tender Kisses by Milla Holt, Narelle Atkins, Carolyn Miller and 4 others
April 2022
Olive (Rainbow Falls 2) by Heather Gray
Songs of Home (River Falls 2) by Valerie M. Bodden
The 80s Rom-Com Club Collection by Teresa Tysinger, Jaycee Weaver, and others
His Quiet Serenade (Seaside Chapel 4) by Jan Thompson
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Ausjenny says
Oh wow is that an eagle or a falcon? How amazing. We get the sparrows, blackbirds, Kookaburras, magpies and currently squawking gallahs and white cockatoos
Ellie says
I enjoy watching birds, too. I’d love to see an owl and we hear them close to our house (once we heard the hooting coming through our fireplace and knew the owl was sitting on our chimney!) but so far they’ve stayed out of sight. Is that a hawk in your picture? He looks like a cool guy!
Elizabeth Maddrey says
It’s either a red shouldered or red tailed hawk. The drawings in our bird book weren’t detailed enough for us to decide.
Elizabeth Maddrey says
I would love to see an owl too! We hear them in the woods behind our house. But they’re shy
Yes! A hawk :)
Mary Preston says
What an amazing picture.
Elizabeth Maddrey says
I was so happy to see it!
Milla Holt says
That’s amazing!
Elizabeth Maddrey says
It was!
Trudy says
Great picture of the hawk!! I’ve seen a few around before, but never at my bird feeder!! I used to always get more squirrels than anything. After Mom passed I decided to get rid of the feeder. One less thing for me to worry about, lol!!! I’m allergic to wasps, and they liked to build a nest under the feeder.
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Oh man. I would not be ok with wasps! We do get squirrels, but honestly I don’t mind them
Margaret Nelson says
That hawk on your bird feeder is so cool!!
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Thank you!
Paula Marie says
Wow, that’s awesome! We have a hawk I spotted a few times, but I never quick enough to get the phone / camera!
Elizabeth Maddrey says
I was so amazed I could take this picture! Such a stunning creature.
bn100 says
cool bird pic
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Priscila Perales says
My street had a similar visit from one of his cousins, and everyone was either pointing it out to their kids or taking some pics. :)
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Natalya Lakhno says
Great picture!
Debra Pruss says
Fabulous picture. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
Trixi says
I’m an avid bird watcher too thanks to my grandma! She used to have multiple feeders in her back yard along with a couple of homemade squirrel feeders that held whole dried corn cobs. You’d stick the corn cob on a spike that holds it to a wooden platform and watch the squirrels eat off it, my grandpa made them :-) So cool to see them!
That’s a wonderful picture of what looks like a red-tailed hawk. We have many of those here in Oregon where I live. It’s a beautiful sight when you see them soar in the air or sitting on a pole! We also see many bald eagles, turkey vultures, seagulls of course and I’ve spotted a few owls that blend in with the birch trees. Aren’t Gods creatures amazing?
Happy Sunday IR!
Lelia (Lucy) Reynolds says
I love feeding and watching the birds. Thank you for sharing.
Amy Perrault says
I love country living due to the birds!!