Spring tiptoed into the Pacific Northwest this year, clinging to its chilly, rainy wind and daring us to plant gardens or care where our shorts and tank tops had been stored. In May, in the midst of still-freezing nights down in the valley bottoms, we decided to go camping for a week at Premier Lake Provincial Park in the Rocky Mountains. Thankfully, we have a travel trailer so we had a place to dry out and warm up, because nothing was going to keep us off that gorgeous lake in our kayaks!
Winners this Week
If you’re a winner, you should have received an email from the author in charge of the giveaway. If not, please email us at: prizes at inspyromance dot com.
Merrillee Whren’s winner is Lori Smanski!
Don’t forget… every comment you make qualifies you to win one of the monthly Amazon card giveaways!
Our two winners for June are Lori R and Natalya Lakhno!
Specials this Week
Amy R Anguish has several books for 99¢ each (US/UK) through today: An Unexpected Legacy, Candy Cane Wishes and Saltwater Dreams, Saving Grace, and No Place Like Home.
Valerie Comer’s Sweet Serenade is free through July 7.
Possibly my favorite part of kayaking on mountain lakes is hanging out with the loons.This particular week, they weren’t too companionable but stayed at a distance. One afternoon, though, this guy hung around fairly close for fifteen or twenty minutes.
Reader Gathering
Did you know Inspy Romance hosts a Christian Romance Reader Gathering group on Facebook? Valerie Comer (that’s me!) is our host this week, so come on over… but don’t forget to answer the questions for admittance!
StoryChats @ InspyRomance
Story Chats releases an all-new episode every Friday. This week on Episode #78, Elizabeth, Valerie, and Narelle chatted with Amy R Anguish about her recent release, Destination: Romance. You won’t want to miss it!
Listen to our new weekly show on your favorite podcasting app, through the player on our podcast tab, or watch us on YouTube! Wherever you listen or watch, please be sure to hit subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!
Last Week on Inspy Romance
On Monday, Meghann Whistler enthused about book birthdays and birthdays in books… plus #giveaway
On Tuesday, Jaycee Weaver mentioned summer reading lists (and an apology)
On Wednesday, Liwen Y Ho brought up the dark side of romantic comedy… plus #giveaway
On Thursday, Tabitha Bouldin wondered what makes characters great…
On Friday, Laurie Larsen shared a chat with Christina Sinisi
On Saturday, Tara Grace Ericson offered us a tour of Freedom, Colorado, in the heart of the Rockies
Next Week on Inspy Romance
Monday: CLOSED for July 4
Tuesday: Heather Gray
Wednesday: Narelle Atkins
Thursday: Toni Shiloh (Twenty-Five and Counting!)
Friday: Elizabeth Maddrey
Saturday: Shannon Taylor Vannatter
This Mallard pair must have had a nest nearby!
New Releases
July 2022
Muskoka Blue (Original Six Hockey Romance 6) by Carolyn Miller
Into the Flood (Seasons of Faith 1) by Milla Holt
The One Who Got Away by Tara Grace Ericson
Love at Second Sight (Fab Forties 4) by Liwen Y. Ho
Seaside Proposal (Sydney Sweethearts 3) by Narelle Atkins (rerelease)
To Begin Again (Rhythms of Redemption 3) by Emily Conrad
June 2022
Rebuilding Hearts (Independence Islands 24) by Carolyn Miller
Destination: Romance (Roadtrip Romance 1) by Amy R Anguish
Betsy: A Sweet Romantic Comedy (Sewing in SoCal 5) by Sarah Monzon
The Billionaire’s Secret Son (Sweet Boston Billionaires 2) by Meghann Whistler
Reunion in Saltwater Beach (Sweet Tides Romance 1) by Julie Carobini
An Unlikely Alliance by Toni Shiloh
The Billionaire’s Best Friend (Billionaire Next Door 2) by Elizabeth Maddrey
Winning Julia’s Heart (Sydney Sweethearts 2) by Narelle Atkins
A complete list of Inspy Romance books by our authors is always available on our BOOKS tab. Find our audiobooks and our thank-you gifts for newsletter subscribers there as well!
I enjoy your photos. Seems like you have a lot of fun on your trips.
Its frustrating that Amy’s publisher doesn’t discount the books for Aussies too. Last time they did and I got a few books but this time they haven’t.
Beautiful photos!
Love the pictures!! I think the wildlife is a huge part of the “best” part of being outside!!
I’m glad you enjoy the photos! We do have a good time — we love getting into nature!
There are quite a few considerations for publishers when they are putting books on sale. Amazon doesn’t make it easy to do this internationally, unfortunately. As a Canadian, I feel your frustration, and as an author, I hate excluding countries outside US/UK, too, but sometimes I have to. I wish it were simple!
Thank you!
It often is, because you never know what you’ll see, or when, so you need to keep watchful!
I live in the Pacific Northwest and this year we got the record rain fall since 1940 so we went on a 3 week vacation not just because the weather but we r doing a major house remodel and have no kitchen or living room so no we’re to sit when it rains only my moms room and my dad said after we left it got almost to 100 so we r really glad it’s been warmer but tomorrow it’s supposed to rain.
Hi, thank you so much for sharing your very nice photos, sounds like you all had a great time. Have a Blessed 4th of July. Congratulations to the winners..
congratulations to the winners. Oh but I love the pictures of the loon and ducks. I love to summer in action like this. And of course all the new life. Everyone in the US have a safe and happy Sunday and Monday
Beautiful pics of a gorgeous lake!
nice pics
We’re renovating this spring, too, but thankfully the impact on our living room and kitchen is minimal! Clouded in today and supposed to rain here, too…
I’m glad you enjoyed the photos :)
I’m glad you enjoyed the nature pix :)
Thank you! Glacier-fed lakes are the prettiest colors :)
Thank you!
Congratulations to the weeks winners. Thank you for the fabulous pictures. It is so relaxing to look at them. God bless you.
Yay, I’m glad you enjoyed them :)
My part of the PNW (Oregon coast) can’t decide between spring or summer…lol! Last weekend we were in the 90’s (too hot!) and this weekend back down to our normal lower 60’s, cloudy most days, and a little bit of rain. Looks like the temps into the next week may be in the upper 60’s to low 70’s….but we’ll see!
I love all the pictures you always share Valerie! Hanging with the loons and ducks on the water sounds like the perfect way to spend the day to me. I’ve never been kayaking, but it’s something I’d love to do someday….if I could convince my husband to be on the water, lol! He’d do a fishing boat (or similar) but not sure about a kayak, he’s none too keen about water. Probably due to his brothers trying to dunk him as kids and he never learned how to swim. Be that as it may, I hope to convince him someday :-) I think it would be so peaceful & relaxing spending the day on the water watching the world go by as well as keeping company with the birds.
Happy Sunday IR! Congrats to this weeks winners!
I wish spring was tip-toing it’s way here.
We had a few hot (ish) days and this weekend is cool and rainy again. I don’t mind, except for the mosquitoes!
It was me afraid of kayaking for years, but these are sit-on-top so I didn’t have to learn how to get out of a flipped one! Yikes. We bought cheapie kayaks (plastic tubs LOL) for the grandgirls a few summers ago and it was so much fun we got me one next. Then hubby. We love still water at dawn or dusk. Ahhhhhhhh bliss.
Isn’t it crazy how different parts of the continent are SO different? We had the blazing heat a year ago right now. Thankful for the cooler weather this year.
How wonderful you can enjoy the lake an wildlife :). Love your gorgeous photos. Enjoy your spring :)
Thank you!
Thank you :)
Have a blessed week!
You’re welcome, and you, too!