Welcome to August! If you’re living in the northern hemisphere, I hope you’re enjoying your summer. In Australia, we’re in the middle of winter and cold weather. No snow so far in Canberra, but we live in hope. This weekend I’m battling a winter cold that’s doing the rounds in our city. The not-so-fun part of winter.
I like being outdoors on the golf course with my son in the winter sunshine. He’s the golfer and I’m the caddy who carries stuff for him. We were recently out on a course and spotted something pink. I’d initially thought it was a Barbie-themed costume, until we worked out that there were two dinosaurs on the course. The dinosaurs played a round of golf and looked like they were enjoying themselves. lol.
Our annual Back to School Giveaway will launch on August 14. More information coming soon!
Winners this Week
If you’re a winner, you should have received an email from the author in charge of the giveaway. If not, please email us at: prizes at inspyromance dot com.
Laura Ashwood’s winner was Marina Costa!
Robin Merrill’s winner was Texas Momma!
Julie Carobini’s winner was Renate!
Reader Gathering
Have you visited Inspy Romance’s Christian Romance Reader Gathering group on Facebook lately? Come on over… but don’t forget to answer the questions for admittance! Toni Shiloh is our hostess this week!
StoryChats @ InspyRomance
Story Chats releases an all-new episode every Friday. This week on Episode 134, Elizabeth, Valerie, and Narelle talked with Toni Shiloh about her new release, The Love Script. You won’t want to miss it!
Listen to our fun show on your favorite podcasting app, through the player on our podcast tab, or watch us on YouTube! Wherever you listen or watch, please be sure to hit subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!
Last Week on Inspy Romance
On Monday, Meghann Whistler shared My #1 Pet Peeve in Romance Novels
On Tuesday, Erin Stevenson discussed Let’s Hear it for August!
On Wednesday, Robin Merrill talked about Orlando Reads Books
On Thursday, Teresa Tysinger shared Telltale Tropes + Giveaway
On Friday, Heather Gray discussed Nerds are Sexy, Too
On Saturday, Narelle Atkins shared Book Recommendation: The Love Script by Toni Shiloh
Next Week on Inspy Romance
Monday: Valerie M. Bodden
Tuesday: Toni Shiloh
Wednesday: Elizabeth Maddrey
Thursday: Milla Holt
Friday: K. Leah
Saturday: Emily Dana Botrous
New Releases
August 2023
A Surprise Wedding for the Cowboy (Sweet River Ranch Romance 1) by Valerie Comer
Muskoka Spotlight (Muskoka Shores 4) by Carolyn Miller
The Love Script by Toni Shiloh
Window of the Heart (Stained Glass Legacy 3) by Amy R. Anguish
Her Cowboy Blind Date (Easter in Gilead 4) by Narelle Atkins
September 2023
You Make it Feel Like Christmas by Toni Shiloh
A complete list of Inspy Romance books by our authors is always available on our BOOKS tab. Find our audiobooks and our thank-you gifts for newsletter subscribers there as well!
Blessed Sunday Narelle! This morning in SW Michigan we have cooler temperatures (63 degrees / 17 degrees Celsius) and have had a gentle rain all night. This morning my 6 year old granddaughter Seeley is anxiously awaiting her Oma and cousin Maddie to arrive for Oma’s Barbie themed Cousin Camp. LOL when you described seeing PINK on the golf course. She Faced Time yesterday. It has been 3 months since I have been at her house. She lives 90 miles away (145 km). Been a busy summer with her cousin Bailey’s high school graduation, open house, summer birthdays, and our anniversary. Seeley starts school on August 21 and Maddie on August 28. Fall is approaching quickly – days are shorter. Looking forward to IR Back to School Giveaway. Best wishes.
I love those dinosaurs, what a fun thing to spot! Happy Sunday to all.
Happy Sunday! I love the dinosaurs playing golf! It looks so fun, but only in the winter here! It’s already 86°F here on the Texas Gulf Coast at 9am, with highs of 98° & the heat index at 111°, I’m afraid they’d melt 😬🦖
It’s definitely too hot here (Columbus, GA) for anyone to be out in the heat in any kind of costume. Right now, it’s 91 degrees but feels like 103. It’s supposed to reach 97 which will probably feel like over 110.
I pray for everyone who has to be out in this heat – lawn service, construction, roofers.
Good morning, pretty cute Dinosaurs playing golf. Thanks for sharing this. Here in west Texas it is 10:40 am and it is already 106 just a bit warm. I am looking forward to Fall. Have a great Sunday and a great week.
Love the pic of the dinos!!! It’s HOT here in Florida, one of the hottest summers ever!! As I’m typing this, it’s 1:54pm, the temperature is 92, but with heat index added in, it feels like 106!! Too bad you can’t send me some of your cold weather!! At least I’m not having to deal with a hurricane, YET!
I love the dinos. They are so cute. Thank you so much for sharing. Congratulations to the winners this week. God bless you all.
Thank you very much,I received my prize. In Bucharest it was hot, 33 to 40 degrees Celsius last week. But between summer and winter, I still prefer summer.
Hi Renate, I was convinced the Dino was a Barbie-themed something, lol. Enjoy your cooler temps and cousin camp. 😊
Hi Ruthie, The dinosaurs were hilarious, and they could somehow hit golf balls in that get up, lol. 😊
Those costumes wouldn’t work in summer here, either. The dry heat, and occasional humid days, make it hard work to walk the golf course in normal clothing. 😊
Hi Bonnie, Your weather is too hot for me. I do walk on golf courses in hot weather, and it’s not my favorite thing to do. I hope you’ll get a break from the heat soon. 😊
Hi Alicia, I can understand why you’re looking forward to Fall. 😊
Hi Trudy, If only I could send some cold weather your way. Hot summers are not my favourite. Stay cool, and I hope the hurricanes stay away. 😊
Hi Debra, You’re welcome. Enjoy your week. 😊
Hi Marina, I’d heard Europe was having a hot summer. Stay cool and enjoy the rest of your summer. 😊