It’s Sunday again – what are you up to?
Two Sundays each month I get the privilege of volunteering in my church’s food pantry. We help people in our community by meeting their physical need through food and their spiritual need through Jesus.
I’m not a natural at sharing the gospel. Is anybody? (Seriously, if you’re out there, let me know. I’d love to talk to you!)
One of the things that makes it easier for me to talk to complete strangers about Jesus, though, is that we’re in a church. The people who come to us for groceries walk into that church. They know it’s a church. It’s not like we’ve disguised it as a car wash and they won’t know we’re Christians. So if they come into that church, and we don’t mention Jesus in some way, shape, or form…well, shame on us, right? That’s the internal pep talk I go through each time… Maybe eventually it’ll come naturally enough that I don’t need the pep talk anymore. :)
We don’t always give a full gospel presentation, either. After all, we’re trying to build relationships with these people, and sometimes we just talk about what they’re going through and ask if we can pray with them before they leave. Sometimes people have that look on their face that tells you they’re going to grab the groceries and make a break for it if you push too hard. When we see that, we simply love them. That’s not the time to break out the twenty pound Bible and start flipping through pages.
It’s a mercy ministry (to coin our pastor’s phrase), and it’s one I’m honored to take part in.
What ministry – mercy or otherwise – are you involved in? Is there anything special you do, in or out of church, that lets you minister to the needs of others? I’d love to hear about it! If you’re not involved in a ministry, would you like to be? What would be a good place for you to plug in and serve?
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Last Week
Staci Stallings talks about where to find Jesus.
Carol Moncado shares her thoughts on loss, restoration, and Easter.
Deb Kastner introduces us to a mustang sanctuary while talking cowboys and romance.
Narelle Atkins dishes on high tea.
Marion Ueckermann shares a story about life seasoned with romance.
Cheryl Wyatt discusses love languages and how we convey affection.
This Week
Monday: Lee Tobin McClain
Tuesday: Hallee Bridgeman
Wednesday: Lindi Peterson
Thursday: Lynette Sowell
Friday: Kimberly Rose Johnson
Saturday: Carolyne Aarsen
New Releases
March 2016
Prince from Her Past (Brides of Belles Montagnes 4) by Carol Moncado
Falling for the Millionaire (Village of Hope) by Merrillee Whren
April 2016
Second Choice (Belikarian Weddings 2) by Ginger Solomon
Handful of Hope (Taste of Romance 4) by Elizabeth Maddrey
Abide (Lewis Legacy 7) by JoAnn Durgin
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Elizabeth Maddrey says
I run our Awana program at church. I love that being in charge actually keeps me behind the scenes and lets me use my administration gift. But I still feel like I’m doing something together God’s kingdom.
And I’m a mom to young boys. That’s a ministry on its own. I really believe moms need to remember that they are doing Kingdom work.
Renate says
During our life’s journey God opens and closes doors to ministry. In my 25 years as pastor’s wife, I used my God given talents as Sunday School teacher, Christian Ed director, leading women’s ministries, and singing in the choir – while being daughter, wife, mom to 3 sons, and full time teacher.
After my mom passed and my husband retired from the ministry roles changed, I continued as teacher, but for 7 years cared for my dad. Now my ministry is my grandchildren – 4 days a week I take my grandsons to school and care for my 2 year old granddaughter.
In addition, I try not to hide my light under a bushel basket. I smile and have a kind word for clerks and those who serve us on daily. I have an encouraging word for parents and my children, who struggle with the stresses of balancing work and family. I support my fellow teachers and administrators.
Different ministries for different phases in our lives. To Heather and all Inspy Romance writers, your inspirational stories are a ministry. Best wishes.
Renate says
Elizabeth, moms and dads have a unique and challenging ministry 24/7. As our children grow up, our ministry changes by focusing more on grandchildren but never stops.
Melissa Henderson says
I volunteer with a local Hunger Purpose Group. Also, my husband and I help with a community group that helps with feeding and clothing people and also, helps with emergency financial assistance. I believe that through our daily actions, we are ministering to people all the time. A smile, a hello, a hug, a phone call, a note….and more… are all ways of showing God’s love. :-)
dlw says
I’ve been teaching Sunday school and leading a mid week girls class for first and second graders. Some years I’ve sung in the choir. My husband is a natural at reaching out to people. Especially the ones who are down and out or look a little strange. At Easter, the Saturday before, we have a huge outreach, that our church sponsors. There will be over 800 children plus parents, etc. We have moon bounces, food, prizes, games. I will be helping with making balloon animals. It’s tiring but a lot of fun.
juliejobe says
We’re planting a church where we live and as a part of the church plant, we are starting a Recovery group and working on getting a food pantry and clothes closet going. It’s exciting to be working with a group of people who are so ministry minded and want to reach the community they live in.
Joelle says
I work in the sound booth at our church. I believe music is a ministry to the soul and the fact that I contribute in a small way to that is overwhelming. I can’t carry a tune in a bucket, so this allows me to be a part of something I love very much.
Gail Hollingsworth says
Our Sunday morning Bible study class ministers to the families of Hospice patients by delivering lunch one Sunday a month and by doing our local soup kitchen on a rotational basis. I also help in our church library and donate all the books I read and review to the library after I finish with them.
Marylin says
For many many years I worked in the children’s department of our church. From teacher to director, AND everything that went with those positions.
My full-time job is working in the school district as a Special Ed. Assistant (for 12 years now) so I decided maybe now would be a good time to be used else where.
God got me connected with the women’s reteat at our church a few years back (planning and helping run it) and from that I got plugged into the women’s weekly Bible study. Now I’m a leader on Monday night’s and it’s been really rewarding touching women’s lives and seeing God help them grow deeper in their relationship with Him.
Katy C. says
Lots of nursery duty, plus choir, piano, and some Wednesday night kids prayertime. The most recent extra was a parents’ night out for parents of kids with special needs. None of the families who participated were from the church but one family has been to church several times since then. This was our church’s first time doing something like this, but we hope to do it about once a quarter. One couple said they hadn’t left their girls with anyone before, ever.
Andrea Cox says
My mom, sis, and I tutor children throughout the school year and in the summer. It may be a source of income for us, but it’s also one way we minister to the community. We’ve had several of our students over the years come to know Jesus as their Savior (whether while we were tutoring or when they were at home or church). It’s amazing to know that God uses my family as a positive influence to draw these kids to Himself. A very humbling experience, for sure.
Blessings to all!
Beth Erin (@betherin02) says
We are a very young church and don’t have any ministries as of yet. I used to run the website ministry years ago at our former church but one of our elders takes care of that at our new church and I think that works out best.
Elizabeth Maddrey says
So true, Renate!
Heather Gray says
Using your administrative gifts is most definitely a ministry – I’m always surprised at how many people simply are not good at that sort of thing. We’re all part of the body, right?
As for parenting – yes, yes, and yes! When my kids were young, I used to think of them as my mission field. As they grew, God extended my mission field, but absolutely – being a parent IS a ministry!
Heather Gray says
Renate – I love the way you put this! Our ministries do change with our seasons of life, and I think that’s all part of God’s plan. In each and every ministry He gives us – whether it’s an official “church ministry” or something entirely different – in all of them, He has something for us to learn and something for us to give. Just as, in blessing others, we are blessed.
And you’re right – writing Christian fiction is a ministry. And just as in any other ministry, it requires steadfast prayer and a right relationship with God. And – as with many ministries – we may not see dividends right away (and I don’t mean the money kind). We may touch lives that we never know about this side of heaven. While I can’t speak for every writer, I can also say that in every book I write, God teaches me spiritual truth as I work on my stories. He speaks to my heart so that I can in turn speak to the hearts of others’. Writing is a special gift/present that God gave me, and it’s one that I hope to continue unwrapping for the rest of my life.
Heather Gray says
Hi Melissa! I think that’s an awesome ministry! My small group collected items this past winter to put together “blessing bags” for the local homeless community. I learned yesterday of a friend who is collecting plastic shopping bags because she’s learned how to turn them into yarn. She can then, in turn, pass them on to her friend who crotchets them into sleeping mats. One of the local shelters is then distributing those mats to homeless in our area so they have something to help insulate them from the cold ground as they sleep. Sometimes it’s easy for us to feel that we have no ministry – either because we’re tied to home with small children or because we work long hours – but we can all find something to do, even if it’s collecting plastic bags. ^_^ And you’re absolutely right – we minister to people all the time every day. I happen to be a big believe in sending personal notes and/or cards. I think it’s something that gets overlooked in today’s technological society, which somehow gives it an even more personal impact than it may have had in previous generations.
Wishing you and your husband a wonderful day!!
Heather Gray says
The outreach sounds wonderful! As for your husband – I have a feeling he and my husband would get along. My husband has a knack for attracting the people that don’t quite fit in. At least, that’s what he says. I say he seeks them out. He has a way of connecting with people that don’t feel like they fit in whether it’s at church, work, or elsewhere. That in and of itself is a special ministry. Kudos to both you and your husband! :)
Heather Gray says
Oh Julie, that sounds wonderful! While I’ve never actually belonged to a church plant, I have a heart for them. When we lived in Idaho, one of the ministries I was plugged into was designed specifically to help new church plants get launched and to give them ongoing support through those early years. Yay for you! I’m so excited you get to be a part of something like that, and being a church that has a heart for ministering to the people – it doesn’t get much better than that, does it? Blessings!
Heather Gray says
Joelle – Sound booth ministry rocks! My teen son works in the sound booth, and he enjoys it tremendously. People have recently tried to encourage him into some other ministries, but he feels he’s exactly where he needs to be. I don’t know anything about the size of your church, but as someone who sits in the pews at a church with a large sanctuary and tall ceilings – I wouldn’t be able to hear anything without an awesome sound booth team. ^_^
Heather Gray says
Gail, what an amazing ministry! Families of people in hospice so desperately need kindness and love. I admire all of you for being a part of that! And the soup kitchen, too – those are such different ministries and yet so much the same – reaching out to hurting people who are at a place in life they probably never thought they’d be. Hugs to you and everyone in your Bible study class!!
Heather Gray says
Hi Marylin! There are so many good ministries to be a part of, aren’t there? How fantastic that you were able to transition from one to another so easily. I can imagine how tiring it would be to pour oneself out to children all day during the week + at church, too. Some people are naturally nurturing and can do that sort of thing easily. I’m more of the “If it’s not bleeding, don’t cry,” type. ^_^ Which, honestly, that same line probably works as well in women’s ministry as it does in children’s… *chuckle*
Anytime we get to be part of watching someone grow closer to God and develop the depth and breadth of their relationship with Him, it’s a blessing. I’m so glad you have a ministry in which you can serve and that lets you be a part of God’s kingdom work!
Heather Gray says
What a fabulous ministry! A church that cares for the health and welfare of the marriages of its people – and the people in its community – is a strong church. Especially in a society where families are so fragmented and relatives don’t always live near enough to help with childcare – how spectacular for a church to do something that helps give moms and dads a break so that they can spend some time together. Love it!
Heather Gray says
Tutoring is a fabulous way to reach children! Not only do you get to help them academically, but in doing so, you get to help build their self-confidence and give them a sense of accomplishment and worth. What a special way to serve in your community, and what a blessing that you’re able to shine Jesus’ light as you do so. I have a feeling you and your family have probably touched more lives for Christ than you realize simply by being consistent and loving the kids you’re entrusted with.
Heather Gray says
I was at church yesterday, and somebody asked about our church’s ministries. I think we ended up naming fewer than ten (even though we know the church has more – we just couldn’t think of them). In any event, somebody pointed out that Sunday School is a ministry, Nursery is a ministry, the prayer chain is a ministry. And sometimes it’s not a matter of leading the ministry – just simply being present and sharing your time and heart with others – that makes you part of the ministry. In Sunday School, for example, discussion is so important, and anytime you participate and share a part of yourself with others in a way that helps them see God at work – either in you or through you – you’re being an active part of that ministry. Your church may not have any *official* ministries yet, but I have no doubt that you’re plugged in and ministering anyway! :)
Sarah Richmond says
I sing in my church choir plus I sing for special music occasionally which is awesome, I use to be very shy to sing on front of a lot of people!!! I’d love someday maybe work with Kids whatever church I attend in the future if it’s God’s will whether it be working in the nursery or children’s church!!! :)
Andrea Cox says
Aw, Heather, thank you for your sweet encouragement! It’s amazing to look back on the numbers of how many kids have passed through our doors. Multiply that times the parents and siblings we’ve met and chatted with through the years, and you’re right. We’ve definitely touched many more lives than we’d imagine.
Trixi says
Heather I’m not a natural at sharing the gospel either. If it was a church wide thing like your food bank & I was surrounded by other Christians, it would be easier. I really try to let my life speak for itself, sometimes I feel like that’s not enough. I know God knows my heart & I have prayed for Him to give me opportunity to share….even shaking in my boots thinking about it! My husband is one who openly shares & I love him for it. But then again, he’s more of a people person….me, not so much! But I can openly talk to other Christians about the Lord and even try to encourage them in their walk. I’ve always had a heart for struggling Christians :-)
Thanks again for the book! I look forward to reading it soon. Blessings!