Valerie here this week!
Yesterday my husband and I celebrated 34 years of marriage. Okay, we didn’t celebrate. Instead, we had the grandgirl for eight hours while her parents went to a wedding. I only hope the newlyweds will be as happy as we’ve been! Jim somehow objected to taking a two-year-old along on our anniversary date, so we’ll be going out this evening instead.
Here we are on our wedding day. Neither of us particularly photogenic, and getting tired of smiling at the camera. The picture at the top was taken on our vacation last month. We don’t take things quite as seriously as we used to!
Meanwhile, it’s been another busy week at Inspy Romance.
On Monday, Deb Kastner reminded us to thank God for the many way blessings He gives.
On Tuesday, Kristen Ethridge relived the 80s with her post back to cool.
On Wednesday, Staci Stallings talked about a story seven years in the making and why it took that long!
On Thursday, JoAnn Durgin asked what one quality makes a man irresistable! (Can you guess?)
On Friday, Melissa Tagg asked us who inspires us…and have we told that person lately?
On Saturday, Narelle Atkins interviewed Aussie author Andrea Grigg and they’re giving away a copy of Andrea’s book, Too Pretty. Get your name in!
Don’t forget – if you’re a winner, email us at:
prizes at inspyromance dot com
And every comment gets you entered in our monthly drawing! (August winner will be announced next week.)
Monday: Stacy Monson
Tuesday: Carol Moncado
Wednesday: Krista Phillips
Thursday: Katherine Reay
Friday: Jennifer Slattery
Saturday: Hallee Bridgeman
News & Notes
Their Unexpected Love by Kathleen Y’Barbo was in the Top 100 for Romance on Bookscan for 2 months in a row!
Snowflake Tiara by Valerie Comer and Angela Breidenbach releases tomorrow!
Five Days in Skye
by Carla Laureano
WINNER Inspirational Romance
RWA Rita Award 2014
** by Laurie Tomlinson
Finalist Romance
ACFW Genesis Awards 2014
Raspberries and Vinegar
by Valerie Comer
WINNER Contemporary Romance
The Word Awards 2014
Dear Mr. Knightley
by Katherine Reay
Finalist Debut Novel and Contemporary
Carol Award 2014
Catch a Falling Star
by Beth Vogt
Finalist Romance
Carol Award 2014
Raspberries and Vinegar
by Valerie Comer is on sale for Kindle for 99¢.
Congrats, Valerie and hubs :)
Thanks, Elizabeth!