Last week, as I was sitting in my home office typing at my computer, I heard a weird noise. Now, we’ve only been in this house out in rural Missouri a couple of months, and I’m still getting used to things. During the day, I often hear noises that sound odd. For instance, our furnace has a whole range of sounds that I wonder about. But this noise was…really weird.
And it seemed to come from outside.
I peeked out my office window and found that I had a visitor.
Yep! A male peacock was in our yard. Wow!
I’m guessing he belongs to one of our neighbors who we haven’t met yet because of COVID. Anyway, I scurried outside and snapped a few photos, and after a while he left.
In a way, his visit seemed fitting because I’ve been thinking a lot about surprises lately. I’m planning a new book series, and I’ve been brainstorming about the little (and big!) surprises I want to include. I guess I can’t put a hidden treasure, a kidnapping, a baby that’s actually the child of someone other than mother’s husband, and an unexpected inheritance all in one book, but I want a few surprises in there!
I like them!
And I think God does too. Have you ever been praying for something and God answers your prayer in a totally different and infinitely better way than what you were thinking? Partly, I believe that happens because He can come up with more (and more marvelous) solutions than we can. He’s the ultimate out-of-the-box thinker. But, given Lazarus and the empty tomb and the road to Emmaus, I also think that He might just think surprises are fun.
So today if, like me, you’re still waiting for your COVID vaccine or you’re waiting for it to be fully effective or you’re waiting for life to get back to “normal,” and (like me) you’re getting a little impatient, I want to remind you that God has good things planned. He answers prayers. And He has surprises–good surprises–in store. We just have to hang in there.
In time, these gray days will get a lot more colorful.
You never know. He might even send a peacock into your yard to add that color!
I’m sad to say that this my last blog post at Inspy Romance. I will miss all of the readers and writers here, but after long consideration, I decided that I need to spend more of my time creating new books. I’ve made several changes to my writing life, including giving up the privilege of talking with you here each month.
If you’d to stay in touch, I hope you will sign up for my newsletter.
I have one last book in the Abundance series coming out in a few months, Love to Believe In, which is available on pre-order. I can’t find a way at Amazon to gift a pre-order ahead of the release, but I do want plan a surprise for one person who comments on this post. I’ll chose a name at random, notify the winner, and when my book comes out later this spring, I’ll send you an Amazon gift of e-book copy as a surprise. (Okay, not a total surprise, unless, like me, you might have forgotten all about it.) A new e-book is not quite as splashy as a peacock, but maybe it will remind you of my visitor and remind you that God has surprises in store.
May He bless you all and keep you safe.
I’m giving away a free copy (one Kindle copy, available worldwide) of Love to Believe In, Book 6 the Abundance series. It will be delivered when the book releases, currently planned for late June.
If you’d like to be included in the drawing, please comment by Wednesday evening, March 31, 2021. One commenter on this post will be chosen at random, notified by email, and announced in a Sunday edition. *Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.*
I live downtown the one surprise that I have seen since all this covid has started is a fox in the downtown area young one at that.
I have had peacocks in my yard, on my deck, and on my roof. There were 3 of them. Now there is only one. I can’t have flowers on my porch because he will dig them up. My surprise last week was a cute fox in my woods.
Sorry you are leaving but glad for good things ahead.
I am a great believer that God always has a plan, we just have to be patient. In the meantime He sends us beauty, in this case, your peacock :)
I’m sorry to see you go but respect knowing you are willing to say no to a ‘good’ thing when you need to prioritize-something I need much improvement on!
I believe most everything in my life for the last several years has been God’s way of pushing me to accept the fact that I can have a great and productive life when I have no control. Yup, that nasty “C” word! If reality is any clue I still have more to learn. I can’t express the blessings He still gives me every step of the way in spite of my stubbornness. I am so grateful He shows us never ending beauty!
You will be missed! Best wishes for your future!
I enjoy your books, Sally. You are one of the first inspirational romance writer I ever read.
I agree with you about God’s surprises! Sometimes I envision him filled with joy and laughter when He sees my reaction to one of his surprise answers to prayer, much like what I experience when I surprise someone I love.
I’ll be looking for your new release!
Yes, this past year has held many surprises! Some have been good, but not all of them. #covid
We’ll sure miss you around here, Sally! Thanks for your fun posts over the last couple of years. :)
You will be missed. All the best for a future filled with lots of fun surprises. God bless. :)
I’ll miss you here, however, I get your newsletter, and I’ll see you on Face Book! Years ago, before our area “grew” there was a man who had a lot of peacocks. Every now and then, you’ll still hear one of them! He had some pea hens, too, and I saw one of them a few years back. I’m with you, I think God likes to give His children surprises!!!
What a FUN surprise visitor! I can only imagine how surprised you were. And best of luck in your writing endeavors!!
Yes, God has rewarded me in so many ways. What a beautiful surprise for you of seeing such a beautiful peacock! Yes, patience is the key word for every good thing. I subscribed to your newsletter . Thank you so much for all your wonderful posts. Best wishes on your writing endeavors , God Bless you my friend. (not entering for the ebook giveaway, but Thank you, I don’t read ebooks at all, I am not tech savvy at all) I will be on the look out for your book. :)
Best wishes!
Wow, Kim, I would not have expected that! Definitely a surprise!
Hi Lori! How interesting! Another reader commented about seeing a fox and my sister-in-law keeps seeing one. Maybe there are more of them around than we realized but since people are home more now, we notice them more? Whatever the reason, how fun!
Thank you, Kelley!
What a lovely way of putting it, Yvonne!
Thank you, Deb. I really appreciate your comments. Control is a big issue for me too. Yet no matter how much we struggle, God is good!
Thank you so much, Paula Marie!
Thank you for your kind words, Erin! And what a delight it will be in heaven to hear God laugh!
Thank you, Valerie! It’s been a delight and an honor to be part of this group!
Thank you, Dianne!
Hi Trudy! I’m so glad we will be able to keep in touch! All the best!
Thank you so much, Teresa!
Thank you, Alicia! And I’m so glad we will be able to keep in touch!
Thank you, Denise!
A recent surprise for me was when I went outside and a single purple pansy was blooming up from the dirt by our sidewalk. So pretty! Thank you for thr chance to win, and I wish you well on all your future endeavors!
Hi, Sally! I have certainly enjoyed our exchanges here as well as getting to meet all the folks in Abundance. Thank you! I remember the first time I heard the cry of a peacock (or hen, I’m not sure which). It almost sounded like someone in distress. We were staying at a summer camp which kept peacocks on the property. Talk about a surprise! The first part was unsettling (hearing) and the second part was delightful (seeing). I think that may be part of the way God works, as well. He needs to get our attention first (COVID, a big move, loss of a job or health) then we get to see how many blessings He has in store like creative opportunities, on-line communities like Inspy Romance, opening ourselves to trust and seeing how the blessings and provision bloom up from around the edges of what we thought was hard, common dirt (Thanks, Megan!).
I’m on the email list so I will follow along that way. Best wishes for new paths!
Is it just me or is there a breeze from the revolving door here at IR? :)
You will be missed! Best wishes for a future with many happy suprises .
What an interesting surprise! That must have been fun :)
Thank you for the reminder! I needed to hear it. Best of wishes with your future projects!
You will be missed. May God bless you and your writing. Thank you for sharing your time and your talent. God bless you.
Beautiful blessing in that gorgeous peacock.
Best wishes to you. I’ve already signed up for your newsletter. :)
So sorry to see you go but I am signed up for your newsletter! Blessings to you as you begin this new chapter in the book of your life!
God has surprised me so many times… especially when I felt like I didn’t deserved something good. I think it was His way of reminding me of His forgiveness. I’ve signed up for your newsletter.
You will be missed but hope the best for you! We are in the country & see piles of wild animals daily. We already have piles of Canadian Geese back & ducks. I love seeing the moose she’s pregnant with babies & spending her days out in the fields.
What a great surprise. The only surprises I am getting right now are my cat bringing in live mice.
We will miss you but wish you well in your future endeavors.
It definitely was! God is good!
Oh, I love pansies! They always remind me of happy little faces! What a lovely surprise! Thank you so much for your kind comment. All the best to you as well, Megan!
Ah, Lincoln, as always you have a wonderful way of looking at things! Thank you so much for sharing your two-part concept. I think you’re exactly right. I’m glad we will get to keep in touch. All the best!
Thank you so much, Shelia!
Thank you, Priscila! All the best to you as well!
Thank you, Debra! May He bless you as well!
Thank you, Catrina! So glad we can keep in touch!
Thank you, Pam, and thank you for reminding me that it is a new chapter. It’s a perfect way to look at things! Glad we will be able to stay in touch and blessings to you as well!
His love is really amazing, isn’t it, Kim? We are so blessed!
Glad we will be able to keep in touch!
Ooh! I would love to see a moose!!! Thank you for your kind comment, Amy! Wishing you all the best,
Now that is definitely a surprise, lol! Thank you for your kind comment, and may God bless you!
I’m a bird watcher and I saw a what I believe to be some kind of Kestrel (small hawk like bird of prey) the other day sitting on a wire. I’d never seen anything like it before, it was amazing! It was like God had us drive in the right place at the right time :-)
I’m sorry to see you go Sally! But I know God has good things in store for you, in your life & writing journey. I’ve signed up for your newsletter to keep up with you that way. I pray God’s many blessings for you always!
Peacocks are beautiful … but the sound they make … not so lol ;)
I wish you the best as you step back from this blog
We don’t have anything like a peacock but we do have some fancy baby chicks. We have all sorts of different breeds. We also have a few adult chickens too that are also fancy.
Sorry to hear you’re leaving. I’ve enjoyed your Abundance series very much.
I wish you all the best with writing and all the other things that will come on your way!
I’m a bird watcher, too, Trixi, but I’ve never seen a Kestrel. How exciting! Thank you so much for your kind comments! Glad we can keep in touch! Blessings to you as well!
True, very true, Natalya! :)
Thank you, Angeline! All the best to you as well!
How fun! I bet the chicks are darling!
Thank you so much, Melynda!
Thank you, Marilene! All the best to you as well!