The only reason I’m a published author today is because on December 31, 2006, I surrendered my fears about what people think about me and the fear of rejection and promised God I would write what He wanted, when He wanted. It’s been an amazing journey since that prayer.
Through those years, and whether it was blogging, contributing devotions, or writing my own books or co-authoring with others, there’s always been an element of surrender included in all I do. I’m a firm believer that once we surrender everything to Christ, that’s where we find freedom. In fact, it’s my tag line: Encouraging you to find freedom in Christ by surrendering the good, the bad, and—maybe one day—the chocolate.
When I wrote the Surrendering Time series, each book was not just a surrender issue, but also an element of time. Entrusted was Surrendering the present and was about surrendering fear and loss. Entangled was surrendering regret from the past. Engaged was letting go of dreams and trusting God with the future.
Last month I released a stand-alone novella about surrendering the past, but in a different light than I’ve written before. In Match Made in Heaven, Beth Prescott resists accepting Christ into her life because of health issues. Her setbacks have her blaming God and staying away from any church setting. She also had an ex-boyfriend that enjoyed reminding her of her weaknesses and health realities, making her even more guarded.
Then comes along Dean Kellerman. He grew up in a Christian home, but as a young man went on his own path only to discover how far he strayed and how much he longed to be close to Jesus. He’s starting a new life at his grandfather’s home when he meets Beth. As they get to know each other, the issues stand between them. Beth doesn’t trust God, and Dean doesn’t trust himself. The question is, can they surrender their pasts and trust God for their futures?
Well, you’ll have to read Match Made in Heaven, but I really enjoyed crafting relatable surrender themes into this story. My prayer is that readers will find freedom in Christ through my books and these characters.
What surrender issue would you like to see in an inspy romance? Leave me a comment and I’ll choose TWO winners to receive an eBook of Match Made in Heaven.
Renate says
Hi Julie! Thought provoking blog. Been thinking while getting ready this morning. As I live life, I think surrendering one’s stubbornness to meet people half way or relinquish unmet expectations. Life isn’t fair. God loves us regardless of where we are. Can we do the same in our relationships? Love is a choice – a choice to love through thick and thin, the good and the bad, through the harsh words, the sleepless nights and more. The give and take. Waiting to read the posts. Best wishes. Happy writing.
MJSH says
Surrender is such a tough word. Surrendering the need for control seems to be the topic of this year in my life so far. One baby step at a time.
Susan Bates says
Great topic! I think surrendering guilt from the past is important to do.
Sherri G says
I agree with Susan, surrendering the guilt is so hard to do. Also, surrendering my comfort zone.
Trudy says
Wow, this book sounds good!! I’d like to see surrendering our comfort zones, too, as Sherri says. Also, surrendering our will to God’s will, maybe in a job or a relationship.
Paula Marie says
Wow, how thought provoking this morning! Surrendering control for me has always been a big one, asking for help……and accepting it when it’s provided.
Julie Arduini says
You are so right. I see so much heartbreak when people refuse to budge, especially when God has an amazing plan for them.
Match Made in Heaven covers surrendering unmet expectations as Beth and her family never planned for Beth to struggle so. It was a story I could relate to as our daughter has the same health issues as Beth. I hope you check it out!
Have a great day!
Julie Arduini says
Control is so hard to let go of, yet I know when I struggle I never had control to begin with. One baby step at a time is a great attitude. I think you would relate to Beth’s journey in Match Made in Heaven. Thanks so much for reading today!
Diana says
This may seem silly but I frequently have to surrender my plans for the day. Things happen differently than I had planned. My husband,grandkids, and kids are great at rearranging my day! I love having them around me and figure at some point I’ll get some of the things done that I wanted too.
Julie Arduini says
You are so right. I’ve observed lovely people who asked and receive forgiveness continue to beat themselves up. His mercies are new every morning. This was a theme I used in Entangled and with Dean in Match Made in Heaven.
I appreciate you stopping by today!
Julie Arduini says
It is so true, giving up that comfort zone is so hard. I covered that theme in Engaged, and it was fun to write because I know it isn’t easy to do.
Julie Arduini says
Thank you, Trudy! I definitely try to incorporate surrendering the will because it is a theme we deal with every day. I hope you check my books out. My prayer is readers will truly find freedom by relating to the characters and choosing to surrender their issue to the Lord. I’m so glad you stopped by today!
Julie Arduini says
I relate to surrendering control, and asking for help. God really forced me to change when I was pregnant with our son. I ended up on bedrest and had to let others help. It was so hard, but I did learn a big lesson. Thanks for reading today. God bless you!
Julie Arduini says
Not silly at all, Diana! I realized when I got frustrated that it was because I encountered blocked goals and I had to let that frustration go. Some days are more successful than others! You have the best perspective. Family is important.
Lori Smanski says
Welcome Julie. It really is amazing to watch God work in our lives and others when we surrender all to him willingly. Thanks for sharing a bit of your self today.
Merrillee Whren says
Thanks for the inspiring post.
Regina Merrick says
Surrender is the step right before trusting, and I can certainly identify with that! Isn’t it neat when God shows you THROUGH your writing, what He wants you to write ABOUT? Great post!!
Margaret Nelson says
I’m with several of the above comments – surrendering control is a big one!
Julie Arduini says
Thanks, Lori! I’m so glad you stopped by today.
Julie Arduini says
My pleasure, Merrillee!
Julie Arduini says
Thanks, Regina!Yes, God is so good, and so good to teach me in my own surrender as I write. Always humbling, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Julie Arduini says
It sure is, Margaret! I often see myself as the visual handing something to Christ, but holding on tight so He really can’t get it. It is hard!
Ruth Ann Lingwall says
I want to read all of these.! Trusting God’s timing and letting go of fear is a process I am working on. It’s not always easy to believe that I am at the right place at the right time for God’s purposes. It’s tempting to feel like I am lacking. Yet, He often sends in his goodness reassurances that provide hope to move forward.
Lisa Lee says
For me, the topic of surrendering the anger and hurt over a parent that didn’t do being a parent well at all. My biological father walked out of our lives when I was 14 years old and this was very hard on me. I was a daddy’s girl through and through. I’ve been in church my whole life, but it took me a very long time to get to a point to where I believed that God loved me and I could trust Him because I was holding onto the lack of trust in my earthly father and the anger I felt towards him. I figured if my earthly father couldn’t be trusted to love me and take care of me, how could my Heavenly Father? It took many years & many prayers of surrender to realize that there is no comparison whatsoever!