Growing up, I always thought people of sixty were old … really old. Heck, I thought people of forty were old. Then I turned forty, and immigrated to Ireland for 18 months. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Maybe it was my midlife crisis? Anyway, I didn’t feel old at forty. I […]
What kind of cover girl are you?
We all know the old English idiom, “don’t judge a book by its cover”. As true as that might be, whether or not the writer was actually talking books here, that’s exactly the first thing I judge a book by. Unless it’s the work of an author I know and love, the initial thing that […]
Life begins at Sixty
Happy New Year, Inspy readers. I’ve a confession to make. I had completed writing my blog for Inspy today and was about to upload it when I decided to blog about something else instead. If you want to read the blog I would have posted, I’m using it at International Christian Fiction Writers on […]