Have you ever met a writer in the wild? Recently, Facebook reminded me of the one-year anniversary of a time I ventured into the wild, and outside of my comfort zone, to talk to people about my writing in person. It was both terrifying and taught me a lot about the extended opportunities and responsibilities […]
We Are All Works in Progress
Some authors possess an amazing superpower. They can write their books in just one draft and barely need revisions. They pass the manuscript over to an editor who then makes some minor copy edits, and the book is ready for publication. It’s all so neat and civilised. I am not one of those writers. My […]
Things Authors have to Google (and other ways we research)
Google is a writer’s best friend – or at least it seems that way sometimes! I’ve researched everything from bread baking techniques (for Danielle in Summer to Remember) to how to embezzle money from a doctor’s office (Spring Fever). While we often pull from experience from former jobs, relationships, or current hobbies, sometimes we get […]
The Struggle in the Redo
Late last year, I was offered the chance to join a group of authors as each one put one or more of their bundles on sale. Except I didn’t have a bundle, so I had to take one of my series and MAKE one. Quick. I chose my Broken Holidays Series (three novellas, all stand-alones […]
Love in a Small Town
Hello, Jolene Navarro checking in from the Texas Hill Country. I love life in a small town. People know people. They know who your grandmother was, your second cousins and siblings. You belong. You have a history. You’re part of a story. You know why the locals call the intersection at HWY 46 and Herff […]
A Writer’s Life – A Look Into My Trip to BRMCWC
Good day, Inpsy(INSPY – a testament to how tired I really was when I wrote this and proofed it LOL) readers. Ginger here, sending this to you from the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. I’m six hours from home at a writing conference. I thought I’d take this post to clue you into this […]