Last week, as I was sitting in my home office typing at my computer, I heard a weird noise. Now, we’ve only been in this house out in rural Missouri a couple of months, and I’m still getting used to things. During the day, I often hear noises that sound odd. For instance, our furnace […]
The Sweetest Love Story
Hello, Readers! Every month, a group of women in the little fictional town of Abundance, Missouri, gets together at the home of Abby Redmond to share conversation and a yummy dessert. The group is small today, with only three friends in attendance—Tess, Becky, and Abby. (You may know them as the heroines of my books […]
Cover Reveal! Love to Believe In
It’s a new year, my husband and I have moved back to our hometown and are getting settled into our new house, and I’ve got a new book on pre-order. I have shared this cover a bit on social media, but this is the first time I’ve shared it here, and I wanted to be […]
New Release! Love Meant to Be
Earlier this month I released a new Christian romance, Love Meant to Be, Book 5 in my Abundance series. It’s a stand-alone story, a second-chance romance featuring a herione who runs a greenhouse business and hero who puts in a solar farm. Why a solar farm you ask? Well, the hero in this book, more […]
Putting Happiness on the Page
A few years ago, when I wrote my holiday novella, Christmas in Abundance, I had two goals—to write a story that reminded people of the real meaning of Christmas and to put happiness on the page. For several years, when my kids were little, the holidays were a bit of struggle for me. […]
Fiction and Crochet
Writing fiction is a lot like doing crochet. For instance, I could say that fiction needs to read smoothly, much like crochet stitches need to be smooth and even. I could draw some analogy between the characters in a story and types of stitches or colors of yarn. Or perhaps compare types of yarn with […]
Top 10 Small-Town Book Vacations
There is something about small-town stories that I just love. The quirky characters, the picturesque settings, the sense of community! Since my summer vacation plans are on hold, I’ve compiled a list of my favorite fictional small towns due for a literary visit. I especially love when I can read many books set in one […]
Your Vacation between the Pages…plus #Giveaway!
Hi Everyone! I’m writing today about vacation planning. Yep, vacation planning. Oh, I know, we’re supposed to stay at home, but you know as well as I do that readers like us can go anywhere we want, any time. All we need is a good book! To start my post today, I’ve got a list […]
New Release Alert! Love Once More
Hi Everyone! I’m so excited to share that the next novel in my Abundance series, Love Once More, releases next week! It’s currently available for pre-order, and on March 13 it will release in ebook, Kindle Unlimited, and (if all goes well) paperback. Here’s a little bit about this contemporary Christian romance and a sneak […]
God, Grammar, and a Cover Reveal
I’m the first to admit, I can be nitpicky about grammar and punctuation. I always loved spelling bees and—you’re really going to think I’m nerdy now—I can diagram a sentence with the best of them! My first job after college was as a newspaper copy editor. Imagine my surprise when my first book came back […]