From Julie: As I type this we’re still staying at home, and there is growing conversation about businesses opening up. I’m preparing this post a little early as I have a non-IR release happening this month. I’m excited, because one of my critique partners and dear friend, Kathleen Friesen, agreed to share today. She is […]
The Inspiration Behind Restoring Christmas
When I thought about taking the step from writing as a hobby to a commitment toward publication, I didn’t dream of glamour, money, or having a cardboard replica of me and my bestseller at Barnes and Noble. No, I had one fantasy. I would be part of a Christmas collection. Earlier in my journey, I […]
New Release & Character Interview
Several Inspy authors and I have come together to create a boxed set, titled A Christmas to Remember. I believe you’ll hear more about their stories as the month goes on, but here’s the set blurb and mine. The link for the preorder will follow, though it does release 10/2, so if you see this […]
Come to the Lake (plus a giveaway!)
Happy August! This week, the three multi-author boxed sets I have the three books I’ve written so far set in Huckleberry Lake, Idaho, came to an end. It’s always bittersweet, letting go of a set. Three at once wasn’t easy. Goodbye, Frosting & Flurries, Picnics & Promises, and Snowflakes Snuggles. I’ve loved working with the other authors, Marion Ueckermann, […]
READY, [BOX] SET, GO… (and eBook up for grabs)
What do you get if you put seven romance writers together at the starting line of winter and tell them—ready, get set, go? You get a great new box set ready to bloom in spring. Toward the end of 2015, I propositioned some fellow authors: “We’ve had a great summer reads box set—how about a spring […]