I know better than to schedule deadlines in December. The holidays have enough stress without trying to finish a book. But this year I’m actually having fun with it. My editor Christina and I met at our first writer’s conference almost fifteen years ago. She’s taught me as much about life as she has about […]
A Christmas Gift for You and a Massive Scavenger Hunt Contest!
Happy month of Christmas stories! Of course, they’ve all been rolling out since about mid-September, but it’s still fun to dig into books that celebrate the Christmas season. When I was growing up, we often turned off the television and played records (these were the days before 9,000 channels on cable). There was always a […]
Totally Booked for Christmas and #giveaway
2020 is certainly a year we will all be glad to see behind us, even if the future is uncertain and at times a little daunting, the new year probably holding the same challenges as this one did. At least much of that won’t catch us by surprise as 2020 did. But we do need […]