It’s October, which means the season for Christmas books is upon us! We’ll start to see contemporary Christian romance holiday releases popping up all over. Are you a fan of holiday books? I’m a sucker for just about any story that happens during the Christmas season. Throw in romance and I’m hooked! That’s why I’m […]
It’s the Season for Christmas Romance Books
December is one of my favorite months of the year. The Christmas season is here, summer has arrived, our school year ends, and we move into the January holiday period. Our Christmas tree is not up yet because we’re painting our living and dining room area. This means my home is a bit chaotic at […]
From Fury to Feelings (+giveaway)
I LOVE hate-to-love, enemies-to-lovers, whatever you prefer to call the trope. For me, it comes second only to friends-to-more as my favorite! There’s something about the fury, the chemistry, the potential for so much emotional entanglement. It’s funny, since I’m not a huge fan of drama. Those books where a misconception and/or refusal to talk […]
Christmas Romance Reads (and rereads)
Merry Christmas! There’s only three more sleeps until Christmas morning dawns. If you’re like me, you’ll have a to-do list for this week that’s too long and you’ll be wondering how you can get everything done by Christmas Eve. My list also includes catching up on spring cleaning that didn’t get done during spring for […]
Five Little Authors # Giveaway
It always amazes me how authors write so differently. At times over the years, I’ve heard about a book that sounded very similar to one of my unpublished works, only to buy the other author’s book and read a story completely different than mine, even though the subject matter was the same. Case in point–with […]
Lots of Firsts #Giveaway
I’m having a lot of firsts this month. My first novella releases on Sept 28th. It includes my first story set on a beach. First book in ten years without a cowboy on the cover. But my guy is still a cowboy and he even owns Romantic Beach Rides so couples can rent a horse […]
What About Setting? #Giveaway
I write in layers. That means, my first draft is mainly dialogue, character thought, and emotion. Once I complete the book, I go back in and add setting, description, movement, body language, and timeline. I used to weave my setting and timeline in as I wrote the first draft. Until my editor asked if I […]
Book Recommendation ~ Christmas at Gate 18 by Amy Matayo
Book Recommendation: Supermodel Rory Gray just wants to go home. After wrapping up a three-day high-fashion photo shoot overseas, she’s exhausted and ready for the holiday. A holiday that involves Hollywood parties, air-kissing the industry elite, and a whole lot of fakeness…but whatever. Once she gets through that torture, she’ll head to her beloved Seattle […]