I’m excited to introduce you to Toby Carmichael, the sweet baby in And Cowboy Makes Three, my current release. My heroine Angelica, once considered the bad-girl of Serendipity who had run out on good-guy hero Rowdy Masterson on the eve of their wedding, has returned to town with a baby and no ring. It’s a […]
Handling Life’s Curveballs
In novels, curve balls are those delightful tools we use to make our characters suffer. Adding onto the conflict until they don’t see a way out. Putting on the pressure. And that’s great—for a romance novel. Because even though the hero and heroine delve into dark moments where nothing appears to work out, we readers […]
Anatomy of a Cover plus a Giveaway
I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” but let’s face it–to some extent, we all do. People, colors, fonts can all catch a reader’s interest, or cause them to pass right on by. I envy self-published authors, who have the opportunity to create a cover that represents precisely […]