We’ve had our share of dogs over the years, as well as cats, hamsters, and goldfish. Currently we are petless, but I have a number of books that feature dogs. Since today is National Dog Photography Day, I thought I’d share some of those stories. In A MATCH TO CALL OURS the heroine, Brittany Gorman, […]
Dogs in CCR
Are you a dog person or a cat person? It seems like most people are one more than the other, although the rare person has equal love for both. In my immediate family of five, we are definitely dog people. My husband and I raised our family of two boys with our loving border collie […]
Are you a dog lover?
Shortly after Christmas, my husband Dan and I adopted a pup from a surprise litter at a rescue organization. We both love dogs, so how hard could a brand-new puppy be? Oh. My. Word. (Stop laughing!) Needless to say, we spent the first few months of 2022 exhausted as Dancer, aka Dani, trained us to […]
Character Interview and Giveaway
Today Zach Dawson is here for an interview. He is a celebrated pro football quarterback whose record-setting career was cut short by a horrendous injury. Our reporter is looking to find out what is happening in his life today. Reporter: Hi Zach, welcome to the Inspy Romance blog. Zach: Thanks for having me. It’s been […]
What is this little girl anticipating as she looks out of a rain-splashed window? The picture could inspire a story. I believe this time of year is filled with anticipation. As I write this post, I’m anticipating the arrival of my daughter and two granddaughters for Thanksgiving. When you read this, they will be here. […]
The Twelve Dogs of Christmas
Why am I talking about Christmas in the middle of August? I need your help. I’m writing a book, which takes place between Thanksgiving and New Years, and that includes Christmas. The hero and heroine are working together to give away twelve dogs to deserving children. The dog giveaway is part of a documentary commissioned […]
Fictional Pets – Giveaway
Meet Axel. This is him doing what he does best—sleeping. He loves me and gets moody if he misses out on sitting in my lap while I drink my first cup of coffee every morning, but he’s not too fond of other people. He drools when I pet him. I’ve never had a cat do […]
Our Kitty Adventure by Deb Kastner
Anyone who has followed my life for any length of time knows I’m a dog person through and through. The first thing my husband and I did after we got married was adopt a dog. We currently have an older shepherd/pit bull mix named Sadie and a lovely one-year-old miniature schnauzer Gabriella (Gabby) who has […]
Lions and Tigers and PUPPIES…Oh My!!!
Usually before I do a blog post, check to see what “National…Day” it is. Often these days don’t fit into my thoughts for the blog, but occasionally they are perfect. When I found out that March 23rd is National Puppy Day…well, I couldn’t resist. For one thing, I’m a serious dog person. Serious. Part of […]
The Furry, Four-Legged Characters
I grew up with pets. We always had at least one dog and cat. At different times as a kid, I also had guinea pigs, gerbils, hamsters, fish, lizards, frogs, and even fiddler crabs. I honestly can’t imagine having a home without pets in it. I don’t always include a furry character in my books, […]