On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly […]
When the Hollywood heartthrob doesn’t get the girl + #Giveaway
If you’ve read Valerie Comer’s Her Unlikely Hero in the new Easter in Gilead series, you’ll know that her hero, Connor, wanted the role of Judas in the passion play. Connor auditions with Judas in mind, and is stunned when he’s cast in the lead role as Jesus. Connor doesn’t feel equipped to play Jesus, […]
Life Experiences in Story Form
I’ll be honest. Easter isn’t my favorite time of the year. It’s been over a decade since it happened, but the last Sunday we spent together as a family was Easter Sunday. Our daughter passed away the following Sunday morning. It’s harder for me when Easter comes closer to the anniversary of her death, but […]
The Greatest Plot Twist of All
As a reader, my favorite plots twists are the kind I didn’t see coming … but that when I think back over the story, I realize, I should have seen them coming. The groundwork was all there, and if I had picked up on the subtle clues, I would have realized that things had to […]
Modern-Day Good Fridays
by: Staci Stallings Sometimes timing becomes important. This is one of those times. Right now, as you read this Easter Sunday has passed, and we have entered fully into the Easter Season. By the time you get to Easter, it’s sometimes easy to forget about Good Friday. Good Friday, the day Jesus hung on the […]
Sunday Edition – Happy Easter
I’m doing something today that I don’t think I’ve done in my entire married life (except maybe if Christmas fell on a Sunday, but even then I’m not sure I did). What could I possibly be talking about? I’m fixing dinner—like the evening meal. We usually have a big lunch on Sunday and then […]
Sunday Edition – March 25, 2018
I walked outside the other day to find my lilac in bloom. I’ve transplanted that poor bush so many times. My late brother gave it to my mom the year before he died (I was twelve). When she died, I dug it up and planted in my yard where we lived at the time. It […]
Remembering The Greatest Romance
As Easter approaches, I’m reminded of The Greatest Romance, of God loving us so incredibly much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to be a sacrificial lamb for us. Now that’s love! These weeks–days–leading up to Easter should be a time of reflection and growth, but unfortunately, too often life becomes a distraction, or we […]
The Black Moment by Merrillee Whren
Although I wrote this a few days ahead of when you will actually read it, this will post on Saturday, the day before Easter. As part of our stories’ plots, we writers have what we call the “black moment.” This is the place in the story when everything the protagonist has been working for is lost. It’s the point […]
Getting ready for Easter……and, a drawing for prizes
Roxanne Rustand, here, wishing you a Happy Easter! Our winter was so mild, here in the upper Midwest, that I find myself surprised by how much I welcome the arrival of spring. The redwing blackbirds arrived a few weeks ago, our hostas have pushed up through their winter blankets of wood chip mulch, and the grass is […]