When I read this verse recently, it reminded me that God has given us such wonderful instructions. There are four right here in this verse, and I think they are very applicable to our current situation. Keep alert. We want to be vigilant. We don’t want our circumstances to give the devil a foothold in […]
Single Parent Characters
One of the many favorite aspects of writing contemporary romances is the unexpected twists and turns God gives when I write. Although I have a skeleton plot for each book sketched out, little details emerge that catch me by surprise. Often those small things develop and take a life of their own. One example is […]
The Ultimate “What If?” & #GIVEAWAY
Hello! I am thrilled to be part of the Inspy Romance team, and I look forward to getting to know everyone. I’ve been a fan of Inspy Romance since the first post and secretly wished one day that I could be one of the participating authors. When I write that this is an honor, it […]
Pushing the Limits
I’m writing this following a church service a few weeks before this goes live. That’s not normal for me. :) In church this morning my pastor spoke on “Pushing the Limits.” That grabbed my attention and I reached for the pad that is provided to take notes on. This is a topic I “preach” on […]