What a difference a week makes! I wrote this post a little more than a week ago and the world we live in today was a very different place. I considered a rewrite but it’s still relevant. I hope you find the following post helpful and encouraging in some way in these uncertain times. I […]
What God Always Knew + #giveaway
Greetings from Ohio, USA! I don’t know how winter fared in your region, but it was a pretty mild season in our neck of the woods. My mom, in Upstate NY, saw tulips coming up. I have a feeling those flowers will see some snow still, but overall, I can’t complain how the first few […]
Love sees with the heart
In reader groups, I’ve seen many readers complain that there are very few romances with less-than-model-perfect heroes and heroines. I’ve written a romance with a plus-sized heroine (Teapots & Tiaras), a highly unconventional heroine with a stuffy upper-class hero (Least Expected), an eighty-something heroine (Innamorata), and a couple of stories where the heroine needs a […]
Herein is Love… (and #Giveaway)
Suddenly, it’s February. Valentine’s Day is almost here. So I felt like I need to talk about…LOVE! As an author of Christian Romance (and Christian Romantic Suspense, but that’s outside the scope of this blog), I keep in mind that, at the end of the day, I am writing about two people falling in love […]
It’s starting to feel a lot like Christmas…
… with all the Christmas music playing and Christmas decorations displayed in the stores. The reminders to post our overseas Christmas cards and gifts early (oops- I already missed the economy mail deadline for Australia – that’s gonna cost me!). And also, all the Christmas romance boxed sets launching! I love Christmas, though as I’m […]
Love at First Sight?
Readers often criticize romance stories and romance books for the concept of “love at first sight.” The consensus most often expressed is that “love at first sight” isn’t “love”, as in the true love of your soul, but rather just a physical phenomenon, a pheromone reaction to certain identifiers that your psyche recognizes on a […]
What does Flavors of Forever even mean?
Does eternity have a taste, let alone multiple ones? Is infinity the same thing as forever? Are everlasting and eternal synonyms? These are the questions that wake me up at five in the morning — trust me, it’s not my alarm clock. I prefer to not even know that there is such a thing as […]
Yesterday heralded the start of the winter school holidays in South Africa, and along with that, Holiday Club or Vacation Bible School or VBS—dependent on what your preference is—at churches across our nation. This past Sunday, we walked into our church…a church that had cellophane jelly fish and octopuses hanging from the roof. The windows […]
“As you wish….” with a giveaway!
I hope everyone in our Inspy Romance community had a wonderful and blessed Christmas! We did here. No snow, but bright crisp days and frosty nights. Christmas Eve our usual “couple” dinner for just my husband and me; Christmas Day lunch with his elderly mom; and Boxing Day to recover, relax, and read the books […]
Loving through the tough times
The story doesn’t end at “I love you”! I love the feeling of falling in love! Getting to know someone, in all their newness and difference. Getting through the things that stand in the way of a committed relationship. Getting to the sweet delicious place of saying, “I love you,” and hearing it said back. Getting to […]