Happy 4th of July! I hope you have plans for a wonderful celebration filled with family and friends. Personally, I’ll be working on a paper I need to turn in for school. If it wasn’t for that paper, though, I would have other plans for tomorrow. Can you guess what I would rather do? Read. […]
Fab First Lines
I love a good book cover. I’ll often stop to read the back cover if the front cover catches my eye. Sometimes those books pan out, and sometimes they don’t. A cover doesn’t tell you a lot about an author’s writing, after all. So, what do I like even more than a captivating cover? A […]
What Are You Reading?
I ended up teaching more classes this school year than what I had anticipated, and one thing has become infinitely clear: More classes means more grading. As an English teacher, you’d think I’d have understood this going in. Summer has a way of washing our memories clean, though, so that we forget the parts of […]