I’ve been writing for over 30 years now, “full-time” for about fifteen, more or less. After my husband had his double-stroke three years ago, I’ve also taken on freelance editing to help make ends meet. And yes, at times I’ve been more than a little burned out. This year I want to focus the majority […]
Pedaling Backward by Deb Kastner
Like people in many other fields, authors must meet deadlines, whether set by editors in the world of traditional publishing or scheduled onto the calendar when indie-publishing. I am an oldest-child, deadline-oriented perfectionist. I doubt I would ever get any books written (or blog posts for that matter) if I didn’t have to meet deadlines. […]
With A Little Help From My Friends (plus giveaway)
By Rose Dee My husband has been prompting me to self-publish for years. He talked up the Indie publishing route upon the completion of my last two manuscripts. I had no aversion to self-publishing, but I never felt the time was right—until now. This week I published my first Indie novel, and I must admit […]
A Story Takes Wing
After countless years, rewrites on top of rewrites, hopes raised then dashed then raised again, my childhood dream is about to take flight! Come early March, my first book will be released. (<insert cartwheel here!>) It’s had multiple names, multiple revisions, even multiple covers. It has made its way around contests, critique groups, and beta […]