For the last few years, I have become passionate about not only writing about romance, but also making sure people realize it exists outside of books and movies too. Including in marriages. Maybe that’s why BOTH of my stories releasing this year are about a couple on the brink of divorce having to remember why […]
Chat with Christmas Lover Chelsea Macintosh
No one loves Christmas as much as Chelsea Macintosh, the heroine in my recent novella The Last Mountain Christmas in the Marry Christmas Collection. I recently sat down with her to discover a few of her favorite things. We met up at a coffee shop where she ordered a hot chocolate and offered me half […]
Chat with Becky Wade
For years, I have been a big fan of CCR author Becky Wade. Her stories offer characters with real problems and flaws (so relatable!), great settings, and the most satisfying happy endings. And I’m not the only one who thinks so. She was recently inducted into the Christy Awards Hall of Fame! It’s a great […]
Mountains & Mole Hills (and a #Giveaway!)
Do you like author interviews? I’ve been interviewed about my writing before, but it’s always been audio-only. I got to do a Story Chat recently, though, with Valerie Comer, Narelle Atkins, and Elizabeth Maddrey where they asked me questions about my latest release, Olive. I built the whole thing up in my head as something […]
If You Believed in Love — A New #1 Best Seller
If You Believed in Love became a #1 Best Seller in Christian Poetry on June 21, 2018. Here’s an interview with the author, Staci Stallings, about this very unique book… What do you love about this book? If You Believed In Love is a book that just makes me smile when I think of it. […]
Francine Rivers Interview! When Authors Fangirl! Heroines of the Faith!
I admit to being a fangirl when it comes to certain authors, and Francine Rivers is at the top of my list. At the ACFW Conference in 2015, I tried not to stare and grin at her too often, but finally, when she was sitting only a table away, I could no longer contain myself […]
Finally Being Able To Be The Real Me
by: Staci Stallings For many, many, many years I tried to be someone else. It wasn’t a specific someone else. I simply had the impression that something was wrong with me, so being someone else made more sense. The weird thing was, I was desperately trying to be successful and get the approval of others […]