When I began this series, I envisioned three, maybe four scenes. But stories–as does life!–have a way of growing insanely complicated. Quick. Add in a angry hurt father, a worried and distraught mother, and a love-sick yet disappointed bride, and well… Last we left, Elsie’s mother Sharon had just mustered the nerve to talk to […]
A Princess and Her Gown P. 2
(Read part one here) Elsie stared, wide-eyed, at the glamorous dresses displayed before her, all well over $5,000. “Your dress has been taken care of.” By who? Certainly not her parents, nor could Jack afford such a gift, though he’d told her numerous times he’d give her the world if he could. […]
A Princess and Her Gown–A Short Story
Oh, to be a princess, even if for but one day! And if you’ve ever been married, you know this fantasy, one enacted by countless little girls of all cultures and from all generations, can and does happen. It’s called your wedding day! A few weeks ago, while perusing antique stores, my daughter and I […]