Many of you are familiar with our guest today since she was once a blogger here. JoAnn Durgin is a dear friend of mine that is always there for me, and I appreciate her so much! This week I am out of town so she is pinch hitting for me today. She would like you […]
Hey! What about Thanksgiving?!
Here in the US, it seems like the last wisps of smoke from the fireworks have barely begun to fade from the July sky when all the craft and hobby stores begin rolling out the fall and Christmas stuff. It never fails, immediately people begin lamenting it coming “earlier every year” and grousing about seeing […]
New Release and #GiveAway with Guest JoAnn Durgin
I am so happy have my friend and former Inspy Romance blogger, JoAnn Durgin, with us today. Hello, Inspy Romance! It’s been a while since I’ve visited with you, and I was thrilled when Kimberly Rose Johnson invited me to tell you about my latest release, Let Your Light Shine, A Lewis Legacy Christmas. This […]
Mission Control, We Have Liftoff! Pursuit and a Fond Farewell
As you read this, dear readers, I’m on the cusp of releasing Pursuit, Lewis Legacy Series 8 (technically Book 9 when you include Prelude, the prequel to the series). Pursuit is the story of NASA Commander William Jordan Lewis, chosen to command a mission to the International Space Station in late October 2007. Admittedly, Will’s […]
The Christmas Challenge – A Preview!
Hello readers! Shortly after the release of By Grace Draw Near, Book 3 of my Wondrous Love Series, I woke up to the fact that I really missed not writing a Christmas story this year. I like challenges, and so, The Christmas Challenge was born! In reality, I’ve had the cover for this story for […]
Reader Input Requested — and a $10 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!
My last blog post proved to be so much fun (when I asked for reader suggestions for unusual hero/heroine occupations) that I decided to pose another question this month! First of all, thank you. We authors couldn’t do what we do (that is, live in a story world with our characters a good majority of the […]
New Release: WHISPER TO MY HEART (with giveaway!)
Release time is always exciting for an author, and any day (quite literally), I’m releasing Whisper to My Heart. This will be my 20th book since my debut novel released in late 2010, and it’s been quite the ride! I love book covers that entice a reader to get to know the characters and their […]
Love Letter to My Son, Matthew (And Why He Makes Me the Writer I Am Today)
Dear readers and friends, I fully intended to write a Christmas in July post since my Starlight Christmas Series (four book complete series) is on sale this month. But at least two other Inspy authors have already covered the Christmas topic recently. So, instead, today I’d like to share with you a bit about my […]
Two Favorite Movies Where They (Gasp!) Don’t Ride Into the Sunset Together (Plus Gift Card Giveaway)
Today I’d like to talk about movies. Specifically, romances. Sure, we could go on and on about favorite date movies and romances, but hold on a moment. I’m not just talking about the movies with a heart-stopping hero, witty dialogue, maybe a touch of intrigue or suspense, at least one thrilling kiss…and a happily ever […]
Gentle Like the Rain
Dear readers, I’ve more or less been running on fumes for the past month. Not coasting…running. I’m behind on the release of one book, Abide, the seventh book in my Lewis Legacy Series (it was promised Spring 2016, so technically it’s still on-schedule). Between marathon writing/editing sessions, family graduations, a planned vacation, a health crisis […]