Till I loved I never lived—enough. Emily Dickinson I’ll admit I’ve thumbed through a few secular romance books in my time, at least enough to know the basic formula. It seems as though I make a confession of sorts in every one of my blog posts here on InspyRomance. Well, here’s this month’s confession: on […]
Bring on the Contemporary Romance (plus giveaway!)
Hi, friends! Here at InspyRomance, we celebrate contemporary Christian romance. I mean, sure, give me a good historical Christian romance to read, and I’m happy as a lark. I’m not lazy, and I love history. Simply put, I don’t have time for the research involved in writing something set in a time period other than […]
Only God Could Love You More
First of all, let me say how honored I am to be the first InspyRomance author to post on this fabulous new blog. Oh, friends, we’re going to have such fun! Grab something to sip, settle in your favorite chair and let me tell you a little about why I write Christian romance. Confession: I “lifted” […]