Jolene Navarro here. Good evening from my front porch in the Texas Hill Country. My small town roots run deep, so writing about families in this part of Texas comes naturally for me. It’s what I know and love. Of the things, I love most? The holiday season. Our big expanded family gathers at a […]
Fifty, No Make that 5 reasons to love a Cowboy and a Giveaway.
Jolene Navarro’s Top 5 Reasons to Love a Cowboy Hello, Jolene here on this fine Friday morning. I grew up in the Texas Hill Country and around cowboys of all kinds. There are the ones that work the land and would rather be out in the cold than locked in a warm comfy office. Then […]
From the Texas Hills to the Texas Coast – Jolene Navarro
Jolene checking in from my back porch. Here’s this morning’s view before I drive off to work to downtown San Antonio. I love living in the hill country and if you read any of my books you can see how I admire the countryside and it’s people. But for my next series, I’m […]