LOSS. The word even sounds sad to me, unless you are trying to lose weight. Then it is a happy thing. When I was looking for a photo to use for this post, dozens of photos of people with scales, measuring tapes, and skinny blue jeans were the results of my search. I finally […]
Tragedy and Romance (+giveaway)
I’ll be the first to admit I tend to lean toward uncomplicated, happy romances by default. Like bacon and cheese, such books make up the majority of my dietary preferences, literarily speaking. However, these aren’t the books I savor. They aren’t the ones to win awards and acclaim and get talked about nonstop. I could […]
Everyone Needs a Little Grace
The last two weeks have been a little odd on the writing front. I’ve got two pieces of good news to report: First, Marrying Mandy is now available for pre-order. I want to again express my thank you to each and every one of you who nominated it while it was on Kindle Scout. The […]
The Ultimate “What If?” & #GIVEAWAY
Hello! I am thrilled to be part of the Inspy Romance team, and I look forward to getting to know everyone. I’ve been a fan of Inspy Romance since the first post and secretly wished one day that I could be one of the participating authors. When I write that this is an honor, it […]
[ded-i-key-shuh n] noun a formal, printed inscription in a book, piece of music, etc., dedicating it to a person, cause, or the like. I love reading dedications in the front of books, to discover who the writer found worthy of those few special words that readers see first. Each of my published or contracted […]