Today I’m handing the mic… er, the keyboard!… over to the woman who is probably my Number 1 fan, Paula Marie. So I have been a huge fan of Valerie Comer’s books for a long time, and I fell in love with Green Acres, but now that the Urban Farm Fresh series has grown so […]
The Wedding Quiz… and #giveaway
Oh, my! What a lot of weddings! Wishes on Wildflowers released a week or two ago. It’s the fourth book in my Urban Farm Fresh Romance series, and suddenly it was time for ALL THREE of the other weddings to actually happen! I’d done some chronological overlapping, with Secrets of Sunbeams (Eden and Jacob’s story […]
Interview with Myles Sheridan – and #giveaway!
Valerie: Hi Myles! Great to have you at Inspy Romance today. Myles: Great to be here. I think. Valerie: What made you decide to go for a position teaching first and second grade at Bridgeview Elementary School here in Spokane? Myles: Well, I like younger children. They’re not as jaded as the older ones. I […]