WHAT happened to this year? Black Friday…Cyber Monday…wha??? We walked into Walmart the other night and they had signs pointing back to where Santa was…or, if you preferred, you could scan a QR code and chat with Santa on the phone. Again…wha??? I rushed back to see if my “new” book was out—it was […]
The Heart of Christmas
Welcome to the last day of October. I don’t know about you, but 2018 has FLOWN by for me. I can’t believe Christmas is just around the corner, but it is. And the proof is in all the Christmas books releasing. :D I love it. I’m an avid reader and have been since I was […]
Bowing before the Manger
At my house, a Christmas elf makes sure the house gets a good cleaning for the holidays, decorations come out, the menu is planned and the food bought, the tree is set up and presents are thoughtfully purchased and wrapped. Kinda like that old story about the shoemaker and his shoes, ya know? Just kidding. […]
Perfect Timing
This is just one of the numerous nativity scenes that I put out each Christmas. They remind me of the reason for celebrating Christmas. Two scriptures come to mind that speak of God’s perfect timing. Jesus was born at the perfect time, and He died to save us at the perfect time. “But when the […]
Nativity Sets by Merrillee Whren
Here is the first Nativity set that my husband and I bought after we got married over thirty-five years ago. We still have it. Since then, I have collected numerous Nativity sets of all kinds, which I display every year. I’m going to share some of them with you. Here is the one that my […]