It’s Narelle here. I’m excited to share with you my recommendation for Hope For Tomorrow by Inspy Romance author Elizabeth Maddrey. Armchair travelling to a ranch in New Mexico provided a fun and thought-provoking escape from the chilly winter we’re experiencing in Australia. Here’s the Book Description: She’s out of options. He doesn’t want to […]
Sharing local holiday traditions in fiction + giveaway
Culture is fascinating, isn’t it? I think a big part of what I love about reading is how we can travel anywhere in the world just by picking up a book. And at each stop in our travels, we learn something new and interesting about the culture, the people, or traditions of a place. I […]
The Summit
Well, I turned forty last weekend. I’m surprisingly okay with that number. I mean, it took a little bit of processing and a whole lot of emotional taking of stock (oh my gosh, <insert life event> happened how long ago?!), but more than anything, I feel like I’m standing on this great mountaintop and I’m […]
Call Me a Rebel…Plus a Giveaway!
In some respects, releasing a new book is like birthing a baby. Of course I realize it’s not the same thing, but for an author, it’s about as close as it comes. We work hard, we labor, and we pray, in order to bring this new creation into the world. While people coo over a […]