Oh, my! What a lot of weddings! Wishes on Wildflowers released a week or two ago. It’s the fourth book in my Urban Farm Fresh Romance series, and suddenly it was time for ALL THREE of the other weddings to actually happen! I’d done some chronological overlapping, with Secrets of Sunbeams (Eden and Jacob’s story […]
Ladies Night Out at Grizzly Gulch Resort
Psst! Readers of Inspy Romance, I’ve got a treat for you today: an interview with Marisa, Bren, and Heather, the heroines of the Christmas in Montana series. I caught up with the three of them just before the third book, Better Than a Crown, was set to open. Psst! Want to win one of the […]
Hello — My Name is Bren #giveaway
Hi everyone. My name is Bren Haddock, and I’m blogging here today for my author, Valerie Comer. I have mixed feelings about my author, truth be told. I guess she felt a bit sorry for me after introducing me as a secondary character in More Than a Tiara, a Christmas story about my friend Marisa […]