I’ll be honest. I’m still working on the title. I kind of like “Valuing Valor” – but I’m not sure. My love affair with alliteration can only go so far… If you have any title suggestions, feel free to put them in the comments! I expect this to be a 3-part short story, but we’ll […]
Seasons of Change
The new year is a time of change and transition. For some, it’s no more than a changing of the page on the calendar, true. For others, though, it’s a time of making plans, changing the way we see ourselves, and modifying life habits so that we become more like who we want to be. […]
Better For It
I was thinking this week about memories – specifically relationship memories. When my son turned one, and I realized I was expected to buy him birthday gifts a mere two weeks after his grandparents and great-grandparents (and, yeah, maybe his parents, too) had spoiled him at Christmas, I realized I needed a plan. So we […]
No Romance Please
Are you curious about the title of my post today? Seems a bit silly to write a post about NO ROMANCE on a site all about romance, doesn’t it? But hang with me. I think you’ll understand soon. You see, my character Skye did NOT want to be in a romance novel. She didn’t mind […]
When Someone Has a Past (with a #Giveaway)
Almost everyone has a dating past, but some of us have more of a past than others. When it comes to romance, those pasts can be even trickier to deal with. I’ve got to be honest, though. I was twenty-one when I got married. My dating “past” is pretty finite. I was talking to someone […]
Fools for Love
It’s April 1st, known to many as April Fools’ Day, day marked for many by pranks and mischief (or one that goes on as normal with little notice, ha ha!). Since I recently did a post on pranks for my third Sinclair Sisters book, I won’t do a repeat of that. Instead, let’s talk about […]
Support Your Favorite Authors #Giveaway
You’ve heard of the starving artist. Well, I’ll let you in on a secret. Most authors are starving. If not starving, at least struggling. Very few authors make a living with their words. Especially Christian authors since secular books make up most of the market. For every consistent bestselling author dominating Christian sales, there are […]
Book Clubs #Giveaway
The most fun thing about reading books to me, is discussing them with others. What better way to savor a story than to discuss it with a friend. To share your favorite parts or how you felt during pivotal moments in the story. Whether you saw a plot twist coming, if you figured out who […]
Achievements in 2022 #Giveaway
In my last post of 2021, I listed some disappointments of the year and goals for the new one. Number 1 on the list: Reading for pleasure. Since I didn’t read any books just for fun in 2021, I set a goal of 12 for 2022. I didn’t really count as I went and didn’t […]
Tidbits of Romance Advice
We’ve all gotten romance advice, right? Please tell me I’m not the only person who others have felt the need to give unsolicited advice to on romantic matters. I get it. I do. I’m not the most romantic person in the world. I might be romance challenged. Or romance illiterate. (And yet I write Christian […]