All you twenty- and thirty-somethings, let me assure you that life and love aren’t over at forty. Or fifty. Or, ahem, sixty… A while back, it occurred to me that possibly readers might think I believed romance is only for the young, since all my stories featured heroes and heroines in their 20s with a […]
What’s Your Favorite Vacation?
Do you like to travel? I used to be able to go on a trip at the drop of a hat. I loved going sightseeing, learning about the history of the place, tasting local food, taking pictures, talking to people, and overall exploring other cultures. In my younger years, I traveled to Lithuania, Germany, Poland, […]
Another 99-Cent Sale and #Giveaway by Merrillee Whren
A couple of months ago, I had a sale on the first book in my Front Porch Promises series, A PLACE TO CALL HOME. I’m running that special price again. You can click on the title to find the buy links at all vendors. So if you haven’t already gotten the deal on this book, […]
Celebrating a New Release
Good morning! I am officially ready for summer and all of the new summer reads. I even have one of my own to add to the collection of summer books releasing this years. An Encore for Estelle, book 2 in my Melodies of Love series is now available, and for a little while longer it […]