Did you know September 10-16 is Chef Appreciation Week this year? How exciting is that?! I know, I know, it’s back-to-school season, but I’ve already written a back-to-school post. Yeah, I’ve already written a food post too, but this time I thought it would be fun to talk about those who fulfill our fictional food […]
From Fury to Feelings (+giveaway)
I LOVE hate-to-love, enemies-to-lovers, whatever you prefer to call the trope. For me, it comes second only to friends-to-more as my favorite! There’s something about the fury, the chemistry, the potential for so much emotional entanglement. It’s funny, since I’m not a huge fan of drama. Those books where a misconception and/or refusal to talk […]
Love Across the Miles (and Screens) + Giveaway
Last week, my husband and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. Naturally, a milestone like this has one reminiscing about beginnings. We first “met” back in the late 90s on AOL, but neither were looking for love. I was living in Florida and had recently decided to attend college in North Carolina. I wandered into […]
Summer Reading List + an apology
Things have been weird in JayceeLand the past several months. I’m still trying to find my groove again, and what mojo I do find comes in small snippets that disappear soon after. So rather than force myself to write, I’m taking the summer off to focus on my family, my home, side projects I’ve set […]
Series Covers That Make an Impression
Earlier this month, K. Leah shared about the evolving covers of her Finding Home Series in this post. I’ve always loved her beautiful, soft, romantic covers! It got me thinking about other series whose covers have made an impression. Like K. Leah, I have a professional background in graphic design and have designed all of […]
#Giveaway + Book Recommendation: Molly
Hey there, friends! I hope you had a great weekend. I spent time reading and relaxing with the family. Covid life has helped me get to many books on my TBR pile. Of course, I keep adding books but that’s the avid reader life, right? :) Today I wanted to share a book recommendation with […]
Book Nerds and Boyfriends Novellas with Sarah Monzon #giveaway
Thank you Sarah for joining us today! The cover of your novella collection is adorable, and of course, the title is intriguing! How did you come up with it? And what does it mean to you? Aww, thanks! I have to admit, I kind of love it, too. I came across these adorable graphics one day […]
When an Ancestry Test Rocks a Heroine’s Life! Sarah Monzon’s Freedom’s Kiss Giveaway
With everyone getting their DNA tests to work on their family tree, it only stands to reason some people will discover the unexpected, right? And that’s exactly where Sarah Monzon takes us in her new novel Freedom’s Kiss! Welcome Sarah! How did you come up with your idea for this story with the DNA testing? […]
Sarah Monzon on Fathers: Real, Fictional, & Heavenly ** Plus a #Giveaway!
Fathers are so important, but what happens if someone doesn’t have that paternal figure, due to death or desertion? All kinds of fatherly back stories find their way into my novels from deceased one of Sarah Beth in Leaving Oxford to the terrible paternal background of Dylan Conner in Going Up South, to the wonderful country-talking […]
Introducing Sarah Monzon and The Isaac Project – With Giveaway!
Hello, friends! JoAnn Durgin here. My guest today is the lovely and talented Sarah Monzon, debut author of the contemporary Christian romance, The Isaac Project. This book immediately caught my attention with the adorable cover. Isn’t it beautiful? I wanted to know more, so I took a closer look at the book and invited author […]