You’ve heard of the starving artist. Well, I’ll let you in on a secret. Most authors are starving. If not starving, at least struggling. Very few authors make a living with their words. Especially Christian authors since secular books make up most of the market. For every consistent bestselling author dominating Christian sales, there are […]
Book Clubs #Giveaway
The most fun thing about reading books to me, is discussing them with others. What better way to savor a story than to discuss it with a friend. To share your favorite parts or how you felt during pivotal moments in the story. Whether you saw a plot twist coming, if you figured out who […]
It’s Complicated: How Authors Really Feel About Their First Book
Confession: I don’t like my first book. I’m actually pretty embarrassed by it. Back in 2017 when I first wrote What Could Be, I was like a proud new first-time mama. My book baby was perfect. Beautiful. And certain to make its mark on the world. Aaaaaaand then I read it again months after I’d […]
Achievements in 2022 #Giveaway
In my last post of 2021, I listed some disappointments of the year and goals for the new one. Number 1 on the list: Reading for pleasure. Since I didn’t read any books just for fun in 2021, I set a goal of 12 for 2022. I didn’t really count as I went and didn’t […]
The Wedding Went Off Without a Hitch – NOT #Giveaway
Our son got married last month. The ceremony was gorgeous, the bride was breathtaking, the groom was cute as could be, it was a beautiful day, and the wedding went off without a hitch. NOT! One major oops threatened the festivities. One of the bridesmaids got her dates mixed up. She thought it was the […]
That’s Going in a Book #Giveaway
After being in the house all week, editing a book, I told my husband I wanted to do something fun. Fun for us is go to out for lunch, then hit a few flea markets, and finish up with a grocery run. So we headed to our favorite plate lunch restaurant about forty minutes from […]
Books That Make You Go WHOA! #Giveaway
After over 200 rejection letters, I spent four intense years studying the craft of writing. Certain I’d learned all I needed to know, I prepared to go to my first national conference, back in 2005. I’d submitted my latest manuscript to a publisher and was waiting to hear back from them. I felt good about […]
Newsletters – Why Sign Up? #Giveaway
Most authors have newsletters these days. Let’s talk about why you should sign up. There’s usually a free book or giveaway involved for signing up. Newsletters usually include exclusive info only available to subscribers. Authors get more personal in newsletters. All that personal and exclusive contact is addicting. They’re usually encouraging and uplifting. If you’re […]
Favorite Covers # Giveaway
I’ve been browsing bookshelves again. But instead of my usual bookstore hangout, I’ve been browsing online. My agent is getting my newest proposal ready to send out and asked for comparables. This is where I have to find titles published by the publishers I hope will publish my book. Wow, that’s a lot of publishing […]
Book Sightings #Giveaway
In 2005, I went to my first American Christian Fiction Writers Conference. I was so overwhelmed, didn’t know a soul there, and it seemed like everyone I met was published. Don’t get me wrong, I met really nice people. They weren’t bragging. But it seemed like everyone there was published. Except me. After that first […]