I live in a small town. I’ve lived in my small town of less than ten thousand people for the past twenty years. Before that I lived in another small town. And while there are some advantages to living in the city (and hey, I’ve written books set in cities from NYC to London) there’s […]
Small Town Girl
Tomorrow marks the four-year anniversary of our family’s move to Waukesha, Wisconsin, for my husband to take a position as a pastor here. With a population of 72,000, this is the biggest city we’ve ever lived in by far. And it’s part of the Greater Milwaukee area, which has a population of over 1.5 million. […]
My Tribe, My Hero
Hello! Jolene Navarro here checking in from Canyon Texas. For the first week of my summer, I’m at the West Texas Writers’ Academy on the campus of West Texas A&M University. It is one of my favorite weeks of the year. So from sunup and way after the sun settled behind the plains we are submerged in our writing. […]
Love And Roses: An Excerpt
I have had the privilege of reading each of contemporary romance novelist Sally Bayless’s books, and today I get to share an excerpt with you from her latest book, Love and Roses, which releases Thursday, March 1st. The best author I can think of to compare Sally to is Susan May Warren and her small-town […]
Life in a Small Town and #Giveaway
I’m a small-town gal. While I grew up in a city of around 300,000 people (we still called it a large village), I fell in love with small towns after moving to Texas. The feeling of community, caring, slow pace, knowing your neighbors by name, and little traffic always appealed to me. When I started […]
The Christmas Challenge – A Preview!
Hello readers! Shortly after the release of By Grace Draw Near, Book 3 of my Wondrous Love Series, I woke up to the fact that I really missed not writing a Christmas story this year. I like challenges, and so, The Christmas Challenge was born! In reality, I’ve had the cover for this story for […]