Today, September 8th, is National Ampersand Day. What is an ampersand, you ask? Good question. I didn’t know either, so I had to Google it. Turns out, an ampersand is an important part of our English language, especially in recent years with the dawning of cell phones and text messages. The short version is that […]
Where I Get Ideas for My Books by Deb Kastner
Of all the questions I get as an author, this one ranks at the top. Everyone is curious how a writer can take a blank page and turn it into a story. As Thomas Edison famously said, it takes 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration (He was speaking of genius, but we’ll just pretend he was […]
New Release: The Cowboy’s Baby Blessing by Deb Kastner
Last month I introduced you to the cover of my latest novel, The Cowboy’s Baby Blessing, and we played What’s Wrong with this Picture. Today, I’d like to focus on the positive–the gorgeous cowboy and adorable toddler, Seth and Caden. They are exactly how I pictured them in my head, which believe me, doesn’t happen […]
Just for Fun by Deb Kastner
With my July book only 11 days from the shelf, I thought I’d play a fun game with you all today. Let me preface this by saying I really love my July cover. I do. For one thing, the hero Seth is exactly as I pictured him in my mind, and that very rarely happens […]
The Care and Feeding of an Author by Deb Kastner
I just returned from a wonderful weekend outing in my official Happy Place…which is anywhere with my favorite musical group, The Texas Tenors. They actually visited Colorado for a change, so I didn’t have far to travel—and as a special treat, I was able to bring my oldest daughter and both grandkids to the shows. […]
‘Round They Go by Deb Kastner
Where they stop, nobody knows. Okay—so they eventually stop–when the book hits the shelves. What am I talking about? Revisions. I’m neck deep in a heavily-noted revision at the moment, so naturally that’s what’s on my mind. Readers may be surprised to discover published books go through several rounds of editing before they hit the […]