By the time you read this I will have returned home, but today I am writing this post in a bit of a rush because I’m packing to leave for the American Christian Fiction Writers national conference in Nashville. I’m the world’s most introverted person and am seriously hearing impaired, so conferences take a lot […]
Visiting with Old Friends
For me, one of the more difficult aspects of being a romance author is that when I’ve reached the end of the novel, I have to say goodbye to the characters I’ve come to love in order to embrace a new couple for my next book. Of course, since the majority of my recent books […]
Through the Eyes of a Child
Last night I had the privilege of taking my almost-five-year-old grandson “Boo” to see a spectacular fireworks display to celebrate America’s independence. While I enjoyed the beautiful and well-choreographed explosions of light, I found my eyes often straying to watch Boo’s face. The excitement and amazement glowing in his eyes as he oohed and aahed […]