Sometimes, I feel like happily-ever-after romance gets a bad rap. “It’s not realistic,” the nay-sayers proclaim. “Just wait until AFTER the honeymoon,” they warn. “Endings shouldn’t always be happy!” they demand. And sure, I get it. Relationships take a lot of work, and too many marriages these days end up broken and dissolved. I’d bet […]
Romantic Comedy: Is it all just a bunch of fluff?
Hello. My name is Krista Phillips, and I write non-fluffy romantic comedy. I know… what? There IS such a thing? How can that possibly be? For those who may not know it exists, I thought I’d enlighten you today! I like to say I write filled-cupcake fiction. Fluffy (fun) on the outside, but when you […]
First Love
I was looking for inspiration when I read Krista’s post about Will and Hanna from The Engagement Plot. She mentioned the sparks and conflict between them, and how it made for characters close to her heart. I started my new romance, Anchored, and I think I need to start over because I’m just not feeling […]
The Engagement Plot – The making of and an excerpt
Y’all. This is the week. The Engagement Plot officially releases on Wednesday, November 1st. Of course, Amazon started mailing books over a week ago and even published the ebook a little early, but no matter. Wednesday is still my day of celebrating since that’s when all the other retailers will release it. (Feel free to […]
TIME is romantic
Every year since my oldest was small, we’ve had a tradition of letting her go to her grandparent’s house for a week. I’ll admit, at first, I struggled with it. This was my BABY we were talking about. I couldn’t live without her for a WEEK. She was a little over one when we first […]