It’s August and baseball season is up and running. Now I’m not a huge fan. I grew up with a grandma who loved it and would watch more than one game on TV. However, I always thought it a tad bit boring (pardon me if you’re an avid fan). However, I recently won some free […]
Love Across the Miles (and Screens) + Giveaway
Last week, my husband and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. Naturally, a milestone like this has one reminiscing about beginnings. We first “met” back in the late 90s on AOL, but neither were looking for love. I was living in Florida and had recently decided to attend college in North Carolina. I wandered into […]
Book Sightings #Giveaway
In 2005, I went to my first American Christian Fiction Writers Conference. I was so overwhelmed, didn’t know a soul there, and it seemed like everyone I met was published. Don’t get me wrong, I met really nice people. They weren’t bragging. But it seemed like everyone there was published. Except me. After that first […]
Twenty-five and counting!
Last week I celebrated the release of my 25th book baby. I’m going to be honest, I didn’t realize it was book 25 until I counted all my books for something else I was working on. I just kind of sat there stunned, thinking I had miscounted. But another round of counting came up with […]
Summer Reading List + an apology
Things have been weird in JayceeLand the past several months. I’m still trying to find my groove again, and what mojo I do find comes in small snippets that disappear soon after. So rather than force myself to write, I’m taking the summer off to focus on my family, my home, side projects I’ve set […]
The Setting + #Giveaway
The Setting. Every book has one. Some are fictional. Some are real. But all are essential to the story and can help bring the story alive. So how do authors choose settings? Well, I asked a few friends and I’ll also tell you how I chose the setting of the manuscript I’m currently writing. So […]
The Joy of Reading
The Book of James tells us to “count it all joy” during trials. I admit, sometimes it’s hard to count my blessings when faced with adversity. But today, when I was thinking on it, I remembered how much the joy of reading has helped me. Reading can be the ultimate escape experience. It can take […]
From the Ground Up + #Giveaway
Have you ever wondered what kind of research and information goes into an author building a fictional country? For my newest release (Happy Release Day to me!), I decided to create a fictional country for the setting of In Search of a Prince. You say Brielle Adebayo, a 8th-grade civics teacher, discovers she’s really an African princess […]
Childhood Sweethearts (+giveaway)
What’s your favorite trope within CCR? I see this question asked a lot, and I have to admit I am one of those people who can’t choose a favorite ANYTHING to save her life. I mean, in all the breadth of the whole world, why would I limit myself? I do find myself drawn to […]
A Life to Live + #Giveaway
In January 2014, I made a New Year’s resolution to finally write a book from start to finish. Up until that point, I’d start a book then stop. I’d taken creative writing classes while pursuing a degree and fell in love with writing. I just couldn’t seem to finish a story. I’m usually anti New […]