Do you like to take personality quizzes? There are quite a few different kinds out there. Do you ever wonder where a character would fall on one of those personality scales? Well, good news. My friend Sarah Anne Crouch has agreed to join us and give a sneak peek into how she developed her main […]
Putting Myself Into a Character and a Free 5-Book Ebook Collection for All Readers
My husband is the editor-in-chief of our publishing company. I don’t have much to do with that part of our world. I just write. But occasionally I have to take a more active role, especially when he’s publishing a romance novel. A couple of years ago, he was working with Amanda Tru on the second […]
It’s Complicated… (interesting characters usually are) + cover reveal
If you’ve been on social media at any point in the last decade, you’ve probably noticed at least one of your “friends” with the relationship status It’s Complicated. The phrase has filtered its way into our culture in all sorts of ways—movie titles, song lyrics, book themes, mindsets. It’s complicated isn’t always a response we’d […]
Writing Bold, Brave, and Beautiful
My dad was my greatest cheerleader when I shared with him at a young age that I wanted to be a writer. He told me to enjoy the good days and to embrace the not-so-good—even the awful—since they would provide a foundation for my writing, as well as my life. This was tough advice to […]
Sisters and a Cover Reveal from Jolene Navarro
Hello, Jolene Navarro here checking in from the Texas Hill Country. I’ve started a new series that tells the story of four sisters. Sisters that was raised in a lumberyard by their single dad. Sister relationships fascinate me, and I fell in love with the fictional Bergmann sisters as a family as much as I […]
When Life Gives You Lemons
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I’ve always liked that saying. Lemonade is a summer favorite of mine, so the thought of turning something so sour into something so tasty always makes me happy. But is life really that way? Truthfully, not always. Even though I’m a bit of a Pollyanna who tries to […]
Step into the Story with Cheryl Wyatt
Happy Fall, y’all! This is my favorite time of year! Have the leaves begun to change colors where you are? If so, post pics! For this post, let’s do some brainstorming. Imagine us sitting on hay bales around a camp fire, drinking hot cider and making s’mores. Now, let’s create some chaos for my characters. […]
New Release: WHISPER TO MY HEART (with giveaway!)
Release time is always exciting for an author, and any day (quite literally), I’m releasing Whisper to My Heart. This will be my 20th book since my debut novel released in late 2010, and it’s been quite the ride! I love book covers that entice a reader to get to know the characters and their […]
A Writer’s Inspiration: Military Heroes
Greetings, Inspy Romance readers. Today I want to talk about one of the inspirations behind my romance novel heroes: military veterans. I’d always heard romance writers say that men in uniform make great romance heroes, but I grew up in the Vietnam era when those serving in the armed forces didn’t get the positive attention […]
The Kids Have It!
I love writing children into my books. They’re cute, they’re fun, they add to the dynamics of a story, and—let’s face it—they pull on our heartstrings. I think one of the primary reasons I enjoy writing (and reading) about children so much is because we, as adults, can learn so much from them! Wouldn’t you […]