Google is a writer’s best friend – or at least it seems that way sometimes! I’ve researched everything from bread baking techniques (for Danielle in Summer to Remember) to how to embezzle money from a doctor’s office (Spring Fever). While we often pull from experience from former jobs, relationships, or current hobbies, sometimes we get […]
The Power of the Epilogue
Happy February! How is 2020 going so far? I can’t complain. We’ve had pretty mild weather for Ohio, and found our routine after Christmas. Now it’s time to see what God has in store for the “love month.” Speaking of love… When Entrusted first released, a reader expressed her disappointment that there wasn’t a wedding […]
Bon Voyage for Research!
Happy New Year! I know it’s actually January 15th, but the last time I was here, I was talking about Christmas love stories, so this is my first chance to welcome 2019 in with you! I love the beginning of the year. I am a calendar junkie, and one thing I do at the beginning […]
A Fire Extinguisher, Dangerous Waters, and a Snake Bite
This post started as writing about research for my books, and “dangerous waters” in the title meant the scene in Season of Joy, when the hero’s son falls overboard. Now the consequences of the Hurricane Harvey is the main thing on our minds here, and I learned once again how beautiful waves of the ocean […]
Thank you, Downton Abbey! Roxanne Rustand
As with many folks, I became entranced with Downton Abbey. I savored each episode, avoided social commitments on Sunday nights so I wouldn’t miss a thing, and then even bought the DVDs as well–to enjoy during the loooong wait until the next season began. Several years ago, during a trip to England, one of the high […]