It’s summer here in Michigan, and gorgeous weather brings opportunities to get outside and enjoy nature! I’m an avid traveler, and when we travel, I’m always on the lookout for beautiful natural landmarks. Michigan is full of those, and my husband and I enjoy a trip to the beautiful upper peninsula almost yearly.
Since nature and travel are such a big part of my life, I wanted to reflect that in my novels. I set the Tranquil Shores Sweet Christian Romance series in a fictional lakeshore town in Michigan. In it, I describe the beautiful places I’ve seen so my readers can travel to places they haven’t been without leaving home.
The hero Alex in A Heart to Cherish is an avid nature enthusiast. In that book, you’ll find picturesque descriptions of Lake Michigan, along with mentions of other natural landmarks in my great state. Like Alex, I feel close to God when I’m out in nature, so the natural setting played a big part in that first book.
In book two, A Heart to Trust, I wanted to highlight another of my state’s awesome natural resources, so the hero’s family lives on a Michigan Centennial Farm. In that book, you’ll find a little slice of life on one of those farms. Like my characters, I live in the Fruit Belt of Michigan, so I grew up going to U-pick farms and farmer’s markets. Since the book takes place in winter, you won’t “see” a farmer’s market, but you’ll read about them. You’ll also learn a little about how we make maple syrup and even how blueberry farmers harvest their crops each year.
Find out more about the Tranquil Shores series here.
Since I adore good Christian Contemporary Romance books with beautiful settings, I wanted to share a few more series by some of our other InspyRomance bloggers. Spend some time traveling this summer without leaving the comfort of your favorite reading spot!
First up is the Trinity Lakes Romance series. This series takes place on inland lakes in Washington State. I’ve visited Washington several times, and I always find it absolutely gorgeous. You can find Never Find Another You by Narelle Atkins and Love Somebody Like You by Carolyn Miller here.
The Heroes of Freedom Ridge series takes place in a small resort town nestled in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I’ve read a few of these books myself, and since Colorado is one of my top ten states, the beautiful descriptions of the mountains always draw me right in. Our own Tara Grace Ericson has a book in that series which you can find here.
Toni Shiloh’s books, Her Christmas Redemption and Winning His Trust are set near Buffalo River and Ozarks in Arkansas. Since Arkansas is still one of the few states I have left to visit, I’ll have to give that one a try. You can find Her Christmas Redemption here.
The Laurel Cove Romance series by Teresa Tysinger takes place during all seasons in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. While I’ve been to North Carolina, I’ve never seen the Blue Ridge Mountains, so you can bet I’ll be checking this series out this summer! Find more information on the series here.
Another book with a Colorado setting is A Little Something Sweet by Laura Ashwood. Her book takes place in the fictional town of Caribou Falls, where the Mission Mountain range can be seen from town. You’ll also hear about nearby Caribou Lake National Park and Hanging Horn Creek. You can find it here.
Finally, Heather Gray’s Rainbow Falls series takes place in Rainbow Falls, Montana. It’s a little-but-growing town tucked into the mountains near the southern border with lots of area waterfalls. Since I’m a waterfall enthusiast, this is another series I know I’ll be sure to check out this summer. You can find it here.
Do you have any other CCR recommendations with really beautiful natural settings that play a predominant role in the novel? If not, tell me about your best travel recommendations. I may just add them to one of my vacation itineraries some day!
Hi Judith from SW Michigan, who has taken road trips coast to coast through 26 states. The Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina are breath taking. The Smoky Mountains with lush greenery and rippling brooks of Tennessee are my favorite. Because of the altitude in early morning fog they are “smokey.” Another favorite is The Great River Road trip along the Mississippi River, especially through Wisconsin – 250 miles with 33 River Towns. The Mississippi River is fascinating from St. Louis, Missouri to Hannibal (Mark Twain’s home town) north to Minnesota. The National Eagle Center in Wabasha, MN was fascinating. The USA is vast and beautiful – mountains, rivers, beaches, lakes and more.
As a retiree, I now stay closer to home and enjoy being an arm chair traveler. I travel the Pacific Northwest through Valerie Comer’s stories. I especially enjoyed her Pot of Gold Geocaching series set at Jewel Lake, Montana. Another multi CCR author series I enjoyed was the Arcadia Valley Romance series.
Irene Hannon’s Hope Harbor, set on the Oregon coast! The scenery (and a pair of seagulls, a sea lion, and a dolphin) all play parts in the books!
These all sound great. Thanks for mentioning my Arkansas books!
I LOVE the Smoky Mountains as well! We went there last year for spring break with our kids! Thanks for the book recs. Geocaching sounds like an interesting premise…I’ll have to look that one up!
Sounds lovely! Oregon is one of the few states I’ve yet to visit, so I always enjoy reading books set there!
It is absolutely my pleasure Toni! Thanks for stopping by!
My younger sibblings still are not done with school until Wednesday since we had ice and snow days but today they have no school for Juneteenth day. Next week we will be at long Beach in Oregon it a really fun beach to go to with children we are going with my sister and nephew from South Dakota and my sister in law and her three daughters.
I have been to Providence Canyon State Park in Lumpkin, GA several times. It is known as The Little Grand Canyon. It is a beautiful work of nature.
Oregon is another state still on my list to see. I loved Angela Ruth Strong’s book that took place there…Finding Love in Seaside, Oregon. It sounds so beautiful there! Enjoy your trip and your family time!
I hadn’t heard of it yet. Thanks for the recommendation!
I love hearing about all these places to travel to, I hope to visit the USA one day!
I haven’t travelled much outside of the UK, but there are lots of beautiful beaches and scenery where I’m from in the South West of England.
I read Narelle’s Trinity Lake book as well as the next 3. I stayed in Spokane for a few days so know the area a little (and a couple mention Vancouver which I have been too also).
I recently read She Gets July by Susan Page Davis and it is based on a lake in Maine.
Years back I read a book by Annalisa Daughety, book one was set in Shiloh National park (Love is a battlefield) Tennessee, and book two is Love is monumental set in Washington DC. I want to visit Shiloh National Park thanks to this book. I even asked my friend how far away it was from where she lives but it was too far to visit on my trip 10 years ago. The second book features the monuments like the Lincoln Monument and I did get to visit this when I was there 10 years ago. I still remember these books even after all these years.
I haven’t been to the southwest side of England, but Canturbury on the southeast side is one of my favorite places I’ve been in the world. I’d love to take a UK cruise some day. Very beautiful country!
My husband and I are visiting Maine this fall on a color tour of the east coast. I’m super excited about it! I loved Washington D.C. when I visited in high school, but as an adult who had to drive in D.C. traffic…not so much! Lol. It’s almost a surreal feeling to look at all those monuments from photos.
I live in NW Ohio. I am not sure if you have traveled to visit the lighthouses on the Lake Erie shoreline. There is Fort Meigs in Perrysburg, Ohio. Of course, Cedar Point in Sandusky. To name a few places. I am sure you have traveled to Frankenmuth, Michigan. There is the Henry Ford museaum in Deerborn, Michigan. These are a few places in the area. Thank you for sharing. God bless you.
Hi Debra, thanks for the suggestions! We did do a lighthouse tour on our way to spend time hiking in Cuyahoga Valley National Park a few years back. We even got a liiiittle bit lost hiking Whips Ledges while we were in the area…although, to be fair, the trails are not marked. Lol!