How many of you still carry a “real” Bible with you when you go to church?
I’m amazed over how fewer and fewer people are bringing an actual Bible with them to Sunday services. I’m one of them! Why? Well, because the Bible app or a digital Bible isn’t near as heavy as the real thing. Just the other day I had grabbed my study Bible to take to our study group and I nearly dropped it. Seriously, it was heavy! (stop rolling your eyes)
Let’s face it, we’ve become a digital culture. I do still see people carting real Bibles in, but not nearly as many as five or ten years ago, you know?
I’m guilty of being one of the phone app users, and here’s why…
- I can make the text bigger! Ever since I hit the 50’s that tiny text just doesn’t cut it.
- With a couple of clicks, I have several versions at my fingertips. Is the Pastor reading from the New Modified Standard King James Extended Version? I can probably find that. Eventually. Those tend to be at the very bottom of the lists. And there are a few versions that I had no idea even existed. So many choices.
- I can slip my Bible, calendar, contact information, and faceboo…,(uh, scratch that last one,) all in a small pocket of my purse.
- Finally, I do have a note app, somewhere, but I’m still old school on taking notes and like to use pretty journals. They’re just so pretty, you know?
Now, I do miss having that well, loved, worn-down, old Bible, too. I miss coming on scriptures that I once highlighted and being reminded of why I highlighted that particular one. Or coming across old notes that still speaks to me, even though several years have passed. In the scene below that I’m sharing with you from my latest release, My Charming Billionaire, I had some fun with Jeremy Grimwood’s first visit to a church in many years. His companion, the heroine Melody Carson, his clutching her mother’s old Bible as they enter the chapel. Jeremy knows he had a Bible at some time in his life, but he’s not sure where he put it. So Melody suggested that he quickly download a Bible App to use.
This scene came to me while I was sitting in my own church, maneuvering through all the goodies my app has to offer. Here’s a little FYI, if you’re ever in the same church as me on a Sunday, and you hear me start giggling… It’s probably because a book scene just popped in my head. And I’m not sure why, but they pop in my head a lot while I’m at church.
Seriously. Clueless as to why this happens.
Anyway, here’s the scene I ended up writing because, at some time or another, I’ve had the same thoughts run through my head during Sunday sermon. =)
How about you? Real Bible or Digital? Type or handwrite notes, or do you just sit and listen? Leave a comment below and I’ll pick someone to win my first Billionaire Romance, My Beastly Billionaire.
At that moment, the pastor began praying and ended with, “And everyone said Amen. You may be seated.” He took his notes and headed off the stage.
Another man wearing a microphone headpiece came onto the stage. This one had graying hair and wore glasses that he sat on the end of his nose as he read from his notes kept on a tablet.
“I have two important topics for tonight’s sermon,” he held up three fingers, “that I hope to get through before my time is up. If I don’t, I hope you grabbed a coffee before sitting down.” He chuckled at his own joke, then opened his Bible.
Melody didn’t seem to be paying much attention to the sermon as she flipped through the pages of her parent’s Bible. Jeremy tried to follow along, using his new app, but there were so many little accessories distracting him. How cool that he could pick any scripture and turn it into an image to share on his social media. What would Duncan think to see Psalms 23 on his feed? Would he be pleased? He’d probably chastise Jeremy for not paying attention to the sermon.
What was the man talking about? He was supposed to find some passage in John, but Jeremy wasn’t sure which one. There were several! How hard would it have been to be more original on naming the books? Oh great, he switched to a new screen. Who was that quote from? Jeremy tried to pull up his note app since others all around him seemed to be taking notations of what the pastor was saying. They probably had to. He was running through his presentation so fast, they must take notes so they could go back later and try to figure out what he was talking about.
By the time Jeremy got the program opened, the pastor had moved on to his third and final point. Rolling his eyes, Jeremy shoved his phone into his pocket and simply tried to listen.
My Charming Billionaire
(The Grimwood Legacy Series Book 2)
He has lived the charmed life. She only has her devoted seven workers to depend on in this modern day Snow White retelling.
Jeremy Grimwood followed in his father’s footsteps and went to work at the family’s investment bank. But his dismal life is racing toward a dead end. Until the weekend when he joins his family at their favorite ski resort. There he runs into his childhood friend, Melody Carson, whom he’s had a crush on for as long as he could remember.
Melody Carson inherited the Sky High ski resort when her parents passed away in an auto accident. The resort has been in her family for the past four generations. Now her mountain refuge is about to collapse and the predators are circling.
Jeremy wants to help Melody and maybe get himself out of the friend-zone. But Melody has built a protective wall around herself and refuses to accept hand-outs or take advantage of her friends.
Will Jeremy ever be able to break through Melody’s icy fortress so she can see true prince he really wishes to be?
Hi Jackie, I still use a real Bible, albeit a small one. I too enjoy looking through the Bible I was given as a teen and reading the notes, seeing the highlighted sections. I make small notes in my Bible, but will use my phone to note short points of interest. I have been known to use whatever paper is available if I want to take extensive notes- not so keen on doing that on my phone. I think I am finally getting to the point where I can listen without as much interruption- my boys are getting much better!
Loved that excerpt, Jackie, and I had to have a chuckle because two weeks ago I found myself doing exactly what Jeremy was tempted to do … created a cool meme from one of the Bible verses in the sermon. I mean, it’s so easy and quick to do :) (Promise, first time I’ve ever done that!)
I have started favoring using my Bible app in church and at Bible study for exactly the same reasons you cited, but my hubby still likes to cart his heavy Bible along to church and Bible study. I don’t even think he has the Bible app on his phone LOL. I love to be able to choose whichever version is being used, or when it’s my turn to read, using a version I love that I don’t have a print Bible for.
And of course, if you position your phone just right, you can check on those little messag— Okay, I didn’t say that :)
Good morning! I actually use both, I live my well worn Bible and use it most often, but I do use the app to look up different versions!
Hi Jackie!I am still old school and prefer my Bible. I do not have a Bible app, but sometimes search a favorite verse on line. I also prefer paper and pen note taking. Looking forward to reading the responses. Best wishes.
Hi, Jackie! I still carry my Bible to church and write notes in my pretty notebook. :) At home though, I use the Bible app for reading through the Bible and sharing the verse of the day on FB and IG.
This excerpt is great. I have seen people like this. I tend to take copious notes on paper. I too like my pretty journals. And for me, seeing it written on paper, it is easier for me to refer back to. I guess just the way I grew up. Yup I am old school. I like my Bible where I know where the books are. And I have it all written/highlighted up. And there are times where I just sit and listen to whats being said. My husband is an engineer and works on the computer daily, he brings his tablet to church and bible studies with the Bible app. I just cant get into that era. LOL
Hi Jackie–great scene. Sounds like an awesome book. I use old school real Bible and a journal. I love the feeling of having the Bible with me. What I quit doing was carrying my Bible on vacations. I do use my app when I travel. I love the plans on the app for daily study.
I still carry my Bible to church. I do sometimes use my phone app to read other versions though. That is so handy. I don’t typically take notes.
I like carrying my well used Bible, reading highlighted verses, and notes I have written. But then I like writing paper notes, old lady, that I am!
My church has Bibles in the pew backs. They use a version I don’t own, so I haven’t brought a Bible to church in years. I read a print Bible at home too. It’s one of the few books I still prefer to read in print.
When my kids were younger, it was hard to concentrate. I still glare at my grown son when he’s sitting next to me and I catch him playing with his phone. Some things never change. lol
Ha! I didn’t read that!! lol.
The app is great for when you want to do a cross reference, isn’t it?
That’s great, Renate. Sometimes I miss my Bible and being able to underline scriptures that standout. I think both have their perks. =)
I used to bring my bible with me to church but now I just follow along with the scriptures shown on the screen. I too like to take notes with pen and paper instead of taking them on a device. I find that I’m usually more distracted if I use one of my devices.
I enjoy the devotionals the app offers and usually have a couple of them going that I can check in on when I’m having my morning quiet time.
Love it. I’m a note taker, too. I feel like I absorb more of the message if I’m writing it down. Sometimes, I do just sit and listen.
Great idea. You can download your favorite version to your phone in case you are out of network or don’t have a signal. I love the options we have nowadays, you know?
Some people find note taking too distracting. My husband just likes to listen.
I’m in that club, too. Ha. Love to take notes. All my Bibles are the big study kind. One of these days I need to purchase a smaller one to carry with me. It’s more personal, you know. That Bible becomes a part of you, I think.
The text is starting to get too small for me. LOL. That’s why I started using the app in the first place. Being able to adjust the size was simply amazing to me. =)
My church always puts the verses on the screen, too. But sometimes, they’ve been wrong or had written down the wrong chapter and verse. A lot of times, they’re going too fast for me to find the scripture they’re referencing, to be honest. That’s why I take notes. ha.
Hi Jackie
I must be seriously old school – I Iove my REAL Bible, and I really don’t like online bibles or apps; its way too easy to get lost/distracted/sidetracked in them… maybe it has something to do with our not so great internet in South Africa lol! I have been taking notes on my phones memo screen more often lately though :):):) but not in Church – yet!
Difficult question real Bible or digital one. I’ve used both randomlly depending on whether I actually remember to bring mine. More often than not, I end up remembering everything I need to bring for my son, but forgot something of mine… so there goes the Bible too .
I’ve taken over adolescent ministry in the past year, so I do remember to bring my actual Bible for those meeting (I’m usually with them once a month) because I want them to have the full paper experience (though they don’t even seem to bother to bring either device). I hardly ever take notes during worship though. I usually just sit and listen. Sometimes if I want to share something with my husband, I’ll write it down (I’ve roped him into taking the adolescents himself once a month in my group of teachers for teens Sunday school, so he’s missing worship at least once a month too– for some reason I’ve managed to give him more slots than the other teachers this semester; he hasn’t complained just yet).
I’m old s hook. My husband uses an app but I’m convinced one day after I’m gone my children and grandchildren will find value in my old Bibles full of notes and highlights.
I like a wide margin Bible and I plan on using it!
Not that I don’t love technology. I do. I always have my phone and iPad apps but you can’t beat paper and pens. I love an office supply store more than a clothing store.
Where I go now I carry my Bible because the pastor encourages it. I still take my notes on paper and then transfer them into a journal later. He uses a lot of scripture.
I still carry my Bible.
Totally understand. =)
How cool is that?
I agree, I like having a pen and paper, too.
I like when they reference a lot of scripture.
Wonderful. =)
I still carry my “real” Bible with me. I like to have it so I can write notes in it if I want. I also have a journal I carry to take notes in, too. I do have a couple of different versions on my Kindle, though I’ve never used them on there. I can look up the scripture passages better in my Bible than online. I also have a Study Bible that I take for my Ladies Bible Study. I just like my Bible being “old school” so much better!!
I use to take my bible then my kindle now I tend to not take anything as we have the bible readings all on the data screen at church so we have the words to read. If I go to bible study etc I take a physical bible.
Ninety percent of the time, you’ll find me with my big old Bible. Sometimes, if I’m running late and don’t have time to grab it from the place where I keep it in our bedroom, I’ll just go with my phone that’s already in my purse. I like to underline verses from the sermon. I know you can highlight in the apps, but it’s not the same. Oddly enough, when I read my Bible at home each day, I use I’m already at the computer, so it’s just easier that way. But I like my print Bible for the Sunday sermon.
I know what you mean that underlining isn’t the same on the app. I used the biblegateway site a lot, too. I like being able to look up commentaries when I’m studying something.
Church has come a long way. Having the sermon on powerpoint does help to follow along, I think.
I understand the old school feeling. I have a friend who carries her bible everywhere. It’s in a bible case that’s filled with pieces of paper and other things she’s collected. And when we are talking at home group or bible study, she will lovingly open that Bible, her fingers will trial over the pages as she reads a scripture that came to mind while we were talking. You can see the love she has for the word, how much it means to her as she reads.
You just can’t get that with an app, I don’t care how many cool things it offers.
you know?
That’s how I am with regular books.:)
I still carry a paper Bible and take notes by hand.
That’s great. =)