I’m looking forward to an upcoming Zoom call where I get to plot a novella collection with two other authors. This is one of the funnest parts of my job.
It’s as if I’m as a flight attendant on a trip from Seattle to Portland. The plane goes up, then the plane comes right back down, and the seatbelt sign never turns off. No drinks served. No trash to pick up. No unlocking the lavatory. I’m just here for those who wanna get away.
Like an overnight trip, novellas are quick and give writers the freedom to explore. For example, Becky Wade has a novella compiled completely of letters. And Melissa Tagg has a Christmas novella with a narrator who speaks directly to the reader to sum up events. Because these stories are so short, they are often compiled in collections that have holiday themes or shared characters or they follow a trinket that’s been passed down for generations.
One of my collections included multiple vacations along the Oregon coast. I absolutely loved writing Finding Love in Seaside with three friends who simultaneously penned stories about the bridesmaids of my runaway bride. In my novella, the heroine called each of my coauthors’ characters, so rather than have to make up what their bridesmaids were doing at the time (or what they would say), I just texted my writer friends to ask. They’d fill in the blanks for me.
I’m excited to write this new collection with more friends, and I decided to celebrate by listing the top ten things readers love about novellas. Thanks to all who shared the following quotes:
- I enjoy novellas because often they are prequels or epilogues to stories I enjoy. -Melissa Lemaire
- I also like novellas that are a part of the series that feature a minor character who maybe would not get his or her own book otherwise. -Gretchen Michels Garrison
- I love novellas because they are short and you can read them in a couple of hours if you don’t have a lot of time to read. -Allyson Anthony
- As one of those who can’t fall asleep until a book is finished, a novella would ensure a better night’s sleep! -Amy Walsh
- Sometimes I just need a commercial break, so to speak, from regular life or from more intense reading I’m doing. -Tristen Rae Small
- Sometimes I want something like me…short and sweet. -Rebekah Rhoades Begg
- Sometimes I want to take a week-long trip to a faraway destination with a friend. Sometimes I just want to have tea and chat for an hour or two. Same thing with reading – I’m not always in the mood for the massive, epic, extended adventure of a novel. Sometimes a nice little afternoon outing with a novella is just the thing. -Mary Schlegel
- The comparison of a well-written novella to a well-written novel is like the comparison of a well-baked cupcake to a well-baked tiered cake. A novella can have all the needed ingredients and the full, satisfying flavor and substance that a “bigger” book has, just in a compact size that gets the job done in one serving. Yum! –Nadine C. Keels
- I love the promise of the theme-like Christmas or first dates. -Kelly Thorn Scott
- In December, sometimes you need to get your Goodreads count up for your reading challenge. -Jane Lebak
If you’re like Jane and need to up your Goodreads count in December, I’ve got some great news for you. My new novella collection will come out for Christmas 2023!!!
We Three Kings follows a family of billionaires through generations as they make their fortunes from gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Please come join my facebook fan group so you can help me plot too! The more, the myrrh-ier. (Yeah, I said it. 😜)
What do you love most about novellas?
I actually not a fan of novellas. For me a story can never be too long.
I enjoy novellas when they are themed in a collection, or feature a minor character in a series of novels. Having said that, I have been introduced to authors whom I would never have discovered if they hadn’t offered a free novella.
First I have to say I finally got to see finding Love in Big Sky Montana and really enjoyed it.
I love novella’s. I think I first found them through Barbour books and the annual Christmas novellas. I enjoy that they are short and at times are great after reading heavier or longer books when I need a something shorter. Also there are times I struggle with concentration due to head pain and short works so much better.
I like novellas. Sometimes I like to read something short in between novels.
I agree! Sometimes I love the chance to read an entire story in a few days.
What do I love most about novellas? 1 – they are a wonderfully short break between longer books
In the past I have not been a fan of novellas. But I am being won over. This article helped convince me. I like the theme for Christmas 2023. Now if I can remember that long!!
I am olive Mary but I do read a few usually those set around Christmas
I’m not a huge fan of novellas, as things happen so fast, unless the author moves it along by saying “two weeks later” or “a month later” for things happening. Yes, I read them, yes I have some, but they aren’t my favorite length of book. I like the longer books so the author can bring more depth to a relationship and the individual characters.
I loved “Finding Love in Seaside” because I live in Seaside (Oregon coast) and it was fun to “visit” some of my favorite places on the coast.
For me, there are many reasons to love novellas. If they are part of a collection, it’s a great way to discover new-to-me authors or to read more from authors I already enjoy. Sometimes they are centered around a theme (say a family heirloom) so you get to see how that heirloom or whatnot plays a role in each character. They are a great way to “travel” different places or timelines….like armchair traveling without the expense. Oftentimes for me during the Thanksgiving/Christmas season I don’t have a lot of time to read, so novellas set in those holidays are a way for me to still read without taking too much of my time up. I do SO love a Christmas novella….just a little slice of holiday cheer & a satisfactory HEA (happily-ever-after). And sometimes, I’m just in the mood for a shorter story!
I find if it’s a really good novella, they are always too short! :-) I want to know more about the characters and how their life goes on after the story has ended. Oh, and sometimes authors do write novellas between longer books because maybe the readers are clamoring for more or just want to bridge two stories together without writing a longer novel. Becky Wade is good at doing that sometimes :-)
Thanks for a wonderful post Angela! I’m enjoying the discussion today.
That’s a great point!
I get that too.
I enjoy novella collections when I don’t have a lot of time to enjoy a long book.
I get that. And I’m so glad you enjoyed the movie!!!
Don’t worry. I’ll remind you. ;-)
I get this.
Yes, I agree about finding new authors, and that’s a good point about less time during the holidays. Glad you enjoyed Seaside!
Makes sense!
pretty short
I like novellas, I take turns reading a series, a novel and a novellas.
Thank you so much for sharing. I love that I can have a small glimpse of an escape when I do not have a lot of time to get into a novel. God bless you.
I enjoy them if there what I’m wanting to read at the time but I always can read long stories.
I like those type of stories instead of long ones.
Great answers! And yes to getting my good Reads book count when it is behind!
I either like the getting to know a side character, them being a prequel, and/or them being a short read. :) Looking forward to reading yours!
Depends on the mood lol
Sometimes I want something short to finish it in the same day.
Short and sweet. :-)
Agreed! And thank you. Same to you. <3
Variety is good.
Haha. Score!
Yay! Thanks, Priscila.
Easy peasy.