One of the things I’ve struggled with during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis is the feeling of going stir crazy, of feeling all alone. I know you may be wondering how that could be, since I already worked at home even before all this craziness began.
You know when you were a kid and your parents told you no? That you couldn’t do something? How you wanted to do it anyway just because? That’s how I’m feeling right now. I want to do things just because I’ve been told not to. With my husband in an extremely high-risk group, we don’t go anywhere for any reason unless it’s absolutely crucial that we do so.
Man, do I miss singing in the church choir. But right now, I simply can’t justify the risk.
One of those things I couldn’t avoid was a medical procedure I had to have yesterday. And because I had to take a sedative, I had to have Joe drive me. Which ended up being a fairly nice trip, although we got thoroughly lost in farm country because WE COULDN’T SEE THE MOUNTAINS due to the many nearby forest fires burning. (Ash on your lawn, anyone?) If you live in Colorado, you know what it means not to be able to see the mountains. It completely throws off your sense of direction.
But I found myself being grateful for this time with my dear hubby, medical procedure notwithstanding. And the extra drive only added to the enjoyment, even if we couldn’t open the windows to enjoy the fresh air due to the fires.
Gratitude isn’t something that comes easily to me. I hate this about myself, but I’m generally a negative person. I have to struggle to see the positive. So, I’ve started a journal to help me recognize all the good God has done in my life.
And today, that good is each and every one of you. May I just say how grateful I am that you read this blog—and more importantly, our books? None of us authors would be here without you. Every time I hear how one of my books has reached someone at their point of need, I give thanks to God for his amazing goodness.
So, thank you. Bless you. May you find a place of gratitude in your own lives for all the good God has done.
PS It’s National Daughter Day, so I have to give a quick shout out to my own three adult daughters and my granddaughter! #NationalDaughterDay
**In celebration of how much I love each and every one of you, I’m giving away a $10 Amazon gift card to one commenter. What are you grateful for today?**
I can understand the struggle of being home. Its been different where I am but the few months without church I struggled on Sundays partly cos I live alone with 2 cats and on weekends often there isn’t anyone to talk to. I am glad you got to have a drive. Is that something you could do occasionally just for a change of scenery as it would be safe just the two of you.
I am grateful for my two cats. Libby and Henry. They drive me mad at times but they are my brats. I will be really grateful if we can trap the stray (Blake) so his new owners can take him back home. He walked back around 10 miles twice. This time they will keep him inside if we trap him tonight. I am really grateful for friends who gave me a double load of wood this year and that I have some left so I can have a fire today. It is so cold.
I’m grateful for all those working health in any capacity. True heroes.
I’m grateful for my family and my life.
Right now I’m grateful for the technology that allows us to keep in contact with those we love even though we can’t always be together in person.
I’m grateful that after 51 years of marriage, we finally bought our first house. We are moved and settling in. I got a new adjustable bed and my acid reflux is gone! I have more room for my books! Praise the Lord we haven’t been sick!
I am grateful I have a job I will be going to shortly to support my children.
Oh, I can sooo relate!I haven’t been to the mall in months, but where did I want to go when I was told we should stay home? The mall!! I still haven’t been, even though it has reopened. There are still some stores here that haven’t opened their dressing rooms. I can’t shop if I can’t try on clothes, so I don’t go. Now, though, that they’re back open, I really don’t want to go, anyway. Contrary, aren’t I? lol! I’m thankful I still have my 96 year old Mom with me, and I’m thankful that we got to see her 14th great grandchild this week! I took a pic of Mom with her to capture that special moment.
My 2 daughters.
I am grateful to the people that have donated canned cat food to me. I shelter elderly rescue cats. I have 8 at the moment, a female cat that was dumped in my yard (I have already had her spayed) and a feral kitten that was under my house. Most have no teeth they are so old. I lost almost all my house cleaning jobs due to the pandemic. I wasn’t asking for money, just some canned cat food. Thank you to them and I am so grateful!
I’m grateful for the cooler temperatures of fall here. Normally a gray cloudy day like yesterday and today would get me down, but I’m revelling in the cooler mornings in which I actually want coffee to warm me up (normally I don’t drink much coffee in the summer).
I’m thankful for SO MANY things. That my husband, son, and son-in-law’s jobs have carried through the pandemic, that people still want to read stories, that we live in the country, have a garden, and have plenty of space to walk and enjoy the outdoors, that we could do a lot of camping this summer with extended family and still make social distancing work, that our small country church is seeing the opportunities and mission field of digital moving forward even as we ease back into in-person meetings, that God IS FAITHFUL in every circumstance. I am so very very blessed.
I am grateful for my son and my friends that are like family to me. And I am very grateful the my family and friends for now don’t have covid 19.
I’m so thankful for many things, one of the things are that I live! That’s so.. I can’t say that right. Maybe… God has that given to us, so we need to be thankful in life. also if we have struggles, be happy with the little things! Write them down and you feel more thankful then first..
I’m grateful today for our new little kitten. She is the most strong willed life source in the galaxy but sooo cute
I totally understand going stir crazy. There’s just something about being told you can’t go out that makes you want to do it even though you may not have a specific reason to go out. I’m grateful that I have my family, our house and money to pay the bills. Hope your procedure went well! Thanks for the chance to win.
I am grateful for my family and that we actually get along as we are stuck together. :)
I understand about your husband. My husband has been working from home for the last four years. And he is high risk also. So when I go out I have to be careful to wipe everything down and clean everything super well. We have two one year old kittens and they have really helped with the joy and fun at home. My husband and I can take walks now and he is good. My husband used to help out in the tech booth at church. But this has been put on hold. And because he is high risk we have to go to church online. Just not the same. But at lease we are still getting fed and can worship. We are going to start having some close friends from church come over and we can worship and hear the service together.
I had my annual eye exam today. I am grateful for optometrists – but Especially grateful for glasses! I couldn’t read a word without them.
I laughed at your description of your cats, Jenny. Mine are the same. They act so sweet and innocent in the daytime and are little terrors at night.
Very much so! I don’t think they’re getting enough attention for their heroics.
Amen! I feel the same.
At least there’s that. Can you imagine if we didn’t have technology to help us reach out to each other?
So glad the pandemic has missed you. And MAJOR CONGRATS on 51 years of marriage. I thought out 33 years was good.
That is a real blessing, James. Children are so precious.
Oh, what blessings, Trudy! I’m totally with you on being contrary. For me this week it’s that I would LOVE to see Fatima in the theater that just opened or travel out to see my beloved Texas Tenors, but I can’t even go to church right now so that isn’t going to happen.
Amen, Kim. I’m so grateful for my three daughters and two grandkids…and it’s National Daughter Day, so give them a hug!!
People are so wonderful even during times which stretch us all. I have major respect for you caring for all those cats. My sister has about 25 cats at her animal sanctuary and we just built a “catopia” so the inside cats can come out and enjoy the weather without fear of them running off. Will be praying that you continue to get what you need.
I’m a year round coffee drinker, but I’m DYING for cooler weather. It’s been in the upper 80’s and low 90’s here. We even set a record for days over 90 degrees this year. Joy! I’m not a fan of blazing heat.
Amen, Valerie. Your comment made me smile. You’ve been through so much and yet the Lord has blessed you. I’m jealous of your living situation, I must say. Every time I visit my sister Joe and I talk about how we might set up shop in the country. We live in a small town that is rural but our house is part of a complex. No backyard chickens for us. Maybe we’ll just plop a trailer house on my sister’s land so I can visit my horse more often (kidding…not kidding…)
With this pandemic we have to take what health we can get, right Debbie? I’m so glad you have close people in your life to bless you.
I’ve actually started a gratitude journal to help me focus on those little things. Otherwise I miss all my blessings because I’m focused on the yucky, stressful stuff coming down.
Aww! What kind of a kitten is she? How old? I can’t pass up a cute little kitty face, even if they turn into stinkers later.
Yes, it is so wonderful when we have the basics now, isn’t it? I keep being anxious about the bills but so far God has provided. It’s close sometimes but He is FAITHFUL and GOOD all the time.
That was a surprise to me. I already worked at home full time, but once the quarantine started I didn’t have my usual outlets and I’m just amazed we get along so well, especially since my poor husband is going downhill physically again. It takes lots and lots of God’s grace, for sure.
Oh, what a lovely idea. We’re pondering “parking lot church” so we can go in and receive the holy eucharist, which is the one thing streaming services can’t deliver. But I love the idea of having friends over in small groups. Not sure my hubby could handle that right now, though. And am I the only one who has become a total germaphobe? Getting the mail, especially. I take everything out of the envelopes and the gob hand sanitizer all over my hands.
We need to keep you reading, Nancy! I was a little worried about seeing an eye doctor but I definitely need to. It’s been over two years and my eyesight has changed significantly.
Didn’t trap the stray last night.
But My little girl Libby decided 5am was a good time for me to have to wake up. Henry just watched her.
Grateful for friends and family.
I am so grateful for God’s faithful love and provision. I’m thankful for my loving wife and the way that God has enabled us to weather each other’s storms and celebrate our joys together for 31 years. I am happy to be able to participate here, in the IR community, each day. And I’m thankful for Friendly’s Double Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream. ‘Nuff said. :)
I am grateful for health, my home, and peace.
Today I am Grateful for another day in my life and I am Grateful for my Daughter, God Blessed me with a daughter who is Beautiful Inside and Out! Have a Great weekend and stay safe. God Bless you and your family.
Wish your daughter happy daughter day! I’m blessed with three.
Amen! All of these are so important, especially now.
Mmm! Bring on the ice cream!! Congrats on your long and happy marriage.
Very much! You just don’t realize how much until the strain of something like the pandemic hits.
Deb, I relate SO much to you! I can find the negative in a lot of things and I have to continually train my mind (capture my thoughts) to think on the positive. My husband is wonderful in this area always reminding me to find the positive side of anything. It’s really hard isn’t it though? I know this pandemic has really messed with me in a lot of ways, especially the longer it goes on…so I struggle more. Maybe that’s the point, God is stretching me & making me more of what I SHOULD be instead of what I shouldn’t. Through the grace of God, I’m doing better :-)
Maybe I should start a “thankful journal” or just start listing at least one thing everyday that’s positive and I am grateful for. I bet if I saved those in a jar for a year, and then each New Years day read them, I would find just how blessed I am :-)
So many things to be grateful for, I just have to look for them to see them. It could be as simple as a sunshine and not rain, or good cup of coffee to start my day with! Or my favorite thing…starting a new book! :-)
Hi Deb. My husband is the positive one in our marriage. My parents believed in being “realistic” which became in me – “the cup is 1/2 empty” rather than 1/2 full.
Knowing this about myself, I try to “count my blessings” verbally to God. When I catch myself seeing something particularly lovely (I am visual) – I thank Him. Autumn is a lovely season for us & the leaves are gorgeous. As I run errands I will be praising Jesus for the color because it is stupendous until it’s all gone. Then I will keep my eyes open for His next blessing. James 1:17 prompts my me and I hope I am cultivating a better attitude. My husband’s is great!
I was grateful to have my family but missed not being able to see my parents, sibling, etc. We did finally be able to see my parents & spent my whole summer with them & will be very happy for it. I stayed home & only went out when we needed to but spent time outside & read alot.
I’m happy to be with my wife, daughter, & puppy. I work from home so it’s alot safer. It must be hard for you. I know I love to be home & with my family so it just made it more special.
I am grateful for my family and friends, everyday.
I am thankful for a small business that was not affected by the pandemic and in any great capacity. Things pretty much kept on rolling.
Yes, with Thanksgiving coming up, we need to think of what we are thankful for in our lives. I can honestly say so many things happened in our family in 2020 which I am not thankful for, from losing three precious little grandchildren in their early stages of gestation, but late enough to make them already loved, and then the loss of one of my precious sisters – someone who I have never known her to be sick other than minor colds, etc. She was the glue that held my other ten siblings together in our busy family life. She was gone within a month of pancreatic cancer being discovered, and just a month after Covid isolation started. OK, that’s enough lamenting. She was a child of God and I have not a doubt in the world that she, and our little grands, are happy, safe and secure in the hands of Jesus, and we will be thankful and go on. God is good, all the time.
Grateful for the authors who inspire, encourage and praise the Lord ❤️ Praying for all of you and your writing!
I’m grateful for our countries Medicare system and that I am healing nicely from surgery. Funny, I was s much a rebel about staying at home at the start of covid, but once I realised that I always have choice (though sometimes I do confuse the choice with the consequences) there was gratitude that I had learnt that lesson and could model it for my mother and friends.
I’m very thankful for all the healthcare workers, police, fire and paramedics, sanitation workers, and anyone else who keep us safe. For my family, we’ve seen a few times. For the chance to get out and work 2 days a week at a small used bookstore (but get aggravated at those who, although our state and county mandate masks, don’t wear them. And not to be picky, but especially the Amish!)
I am grateful for my 5 children and all their families and for all my friends Blessings to You and yours ! Have a wonderful day!
I am so grateful for all of the wonderful resources that are available online to help me practise mindfulness and keep me from pulling my hair out while doing distance learning with my kids.
Indeed, keeping track of the things we’re grateful for is a great idea! I’m grateful for my family, for health, God’s love, mercy, and provision for us, and for this blog and authors like you :)
Today I’m grateful for my sweet dog curled up beside me who kept me company all night when I was up with insomnia! What a blessing from God! 😊