Image: pixabay
Happy Summer! So far 2020 has been a bit tumultuous, so I’m not sure what the summer will bring. For our family, there’s a bit of travel involved. My husband has offered to take each of the kids on a bucket list trip as he is able to do so. His oldest daughter was born on Guam when he was in the Navy, so they are going back. What an adventure!
The second trip he’s taking is with the youngest daughter, she wants to see California. They are taking a quick weekend trip before school starts to visit Los Angeles and places she’s wanted to see. The boys, actually both are men, either don’t know where they want to go, or we’re still saving for their plan. Me? We plan to take an Alaskan cruise for our 30th, which is a ways off. I joke that my gift is when they all leave so I can clean the house and have the place to my introvert self.
Anyway, this summer I’m in writing mode. Anchored is underway, the first book in Surrendering Opinions. I’m trying to enter the heroine’s world by learning her likes, dislikes, habits, aspirations, pet peeves, and everything in between. Then there’s the romance. I’ve scrapped a few other drafts because I started them as enemies. Then they were too alike and one of them was unnecessary. Now I think I’ve found that balance, and I’ll reveal more as I approach the release. I’m excited, and I think you’ll be rooting for them.
One of the questions I read in research was do they have a special song. I never thought about that before, yet when I talk to real-life couples, that’s something every couple has. Some are quite romantic. Others are silly, but it was playing at a time when they had a special moment. Most are their wedding songs. In Entrusted, Ben and Jenna discover a karaoke machine at the senior center and decide to give it a try. They end up belting “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart,” something Jenna walks away worried might happen as the friendship evolves. Other than that, I can’t say I’ve used a special song in my romances.
Let’s talk about those special songs.
In fiction, can you recall reading about a song that had special meaning for the hero and heroine?
In real life, do you have a special one? Maybe it’s what played at your wedding. If you’re single, perhaps it’s one you want to play at your wedding. Maybe it’s what played during a first kiss, or was the music during your first dance. I’d love to hear about it.
As for me, we aren’t gushy romantic by nature, especially after 20+ years, but there’s one song on both our playlists that if if plays, we stop everything. If we aren’t together, we text a screenshot of the song and let the other know we’re thinking of them. It became our song when Tom was about to leave for a work trip that would take him to California for a month. I made a mix-tape, yep, you read that correctly, and the first song was “When You Say Nothing at All” by Alison Kraus and Union Station. He was immediately in tears and announced it would be our first dance at our reception. And it was.
Another song that makes me stop is “Everything I Do (I Do it for You)” by Bryan Adams. Our youngest was a scheduled c-section because of complications I had with our son, and I remember being so anxious. I was literally numb on the table and my surgeon was a heavy guy who perspired a lot, so he was wearing a Darth Vader-like mask with fans inside to keep him cool. The scene felt ridiculous, but this was our birth. He asked for the radio speakers to be turned on and just as he pulled Hannah our, that song started. It was perfect. I was an infertility patient and had miscarried before. I believed God promised her to us and we prayed hard for His promises. I still love that song and it takes me back every time.
Your turn! Who knows? Maybe your comments might help me find Jordyn and Spencer’s song for Anchored. If so, I’ll definitely include you in the acknowledgement page and make sure you receive a copy when it comes out.
I’m single and while I don’t have a romantic song I have a few that will transport me right back to an event. One is and Aussie song. “Too Many Times” by Mental as Anything. It takes me right back to the Sydney Cricket Ground watching cricket with a Penpal I was staying with. I now associate it with cricket.
It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to is a song that probably took hold on my 30th when no one came (till really late), no mail, no phone calls. It was the worst birthday I have ever had. (I got the cards etc a couple days late).
I was Listening to Randy Stonehall while reading a set of Christian novels that dealt with the early days of a cultish religion. The series showed how it started and then how people became members and then how they tried to leave and how hard it was. It was a 3 book series but I found it too much and thought it really could have been done in 2 or even one slightly longer book. But cos of the nature of the story and the author’s experience before becoming a christian it was really dark in places. I now cant listen to that CD without the memories flooding back.
I’m not into music, though I do appreciate it, so no special songs even come to mind.
I definitely have songs playing in my head when I write :-) But on our wedding day, our first dance together was “Always” by Kenny Rogers. It’s an oldie but a goodie. We also had “A Moment Like This” by Kelly Clarkson. But I think I could probably relate better to: “Finally Found Someone” by Barbra Streisand and Brian Adams. I was almost 29 when I got married, and at that time my family and relatives thought I was getting on in years!!! 😂 (Great song, but it didn’t make our wedding playlist! Hm-hm 🤭)
Just Be Held by Casting Crowns is one of the songs I play when I am told I need to wait for the doctor to come in after a scan.
Because You Loved Me by Celine Dion is a song that reminds me of God’s love.
You Save Me and Boys of Fall by Kenny Chesney, Bless the Broken Road, I Won’t Let Go and My Wish by Rascal Flatts are my go to songs when I am down.
My dad always sang Look at Us to my mom. My hubby and I like In This Life and God Bless The Broken Road. Thank you for sharing.
I’m single, and I used to have a mental list of songs, but no more! I have a few songs that bring back memories, like Even the Man in the Moon is Crying, because the first time I heard it I was driving my parents and I to GA when we’d gotten word that an uncle was close to dying. Which is also why I remember the first time I heard Bubba Shot the Jukebox, because I heard it for the first time then, too. I have to say, though, that the Alison Kraus version of When You Say Nothing At All isn’t near as good as Keith Whitley’s!! Lol!!
I am the same where I associate songs with events. That’s terrible about your birthday! I’m so sorry that happened.
That’s okay, Mary. It’s good to know how readers feel. Blessings on your weekend!
Jaye, that’s funny about the Barbra/Bryan song. I got married at 26. Thankfully I think that mindset has changed around me so other people don’t need to feel the pressure, LOL. Thanks for replying!
I can see why those bring you comfort. Your comment reminds me of when I learned I had miscarried. The first thing I did was turn on the radio and it was Let Everything that Has Breath Praise the Lord. I always think of that when I hear that song.
I hope you have a blessed weekend!
A lot of friends have God Bless the Broken Road for their story/song. It’s very powerful. I love how your dad sang to your mom.
Trudy, It’s funny you say that about Keith Whitley because I sent a screenshot of it when it played to my husband and he wrote back that it doesn’t count, LOL. He also said the live version of the song from Alison doesn’t hit the same, either. I love how music can transform us to a time and place. I pray you have happy memories from here on out!
No special songs for me, but yours sound wonderful.
“What a wonderful world” by Louis Armstrong is a song I’ve always liked.
Hi! My hubby & I didn’t pick songs while we dated or when we were married but over time we heard the song by Etta James, “At Last.” We both smile now when it plays. The lyrics don’t really fit our situation, but knowing that we found that “special someone” the song refers to makes us feel very blessed.
Our wedding song: “Everything I Do (I Do it for You)” by Bryan Adams
It was a bad day and just when I decide I would watch the ice skating in the winter Olympics I had a visitor who did give me a present but then stayed and chatted with mum for a few hours.
But I have since made sure I do something for my birthday.
This reminds me Dad had 2 songs he would sing in the car (he had a stroke when I was 8 and died when I was 11) the 2 were Hallelujah What a Saviour and the other was One Day or later Casting Crowns recorded it as Oh glorious Day with a few new words and leaving out the 3 verse which was out of place.
When I found out mum didn’t have long, she had the flu, my friend had sent this version on FB and I always liked the song and it reminded me of dad. This song got me through her final days and then through the period to and after the funeral. I played it so much my friend had given me a itunes voucher to buy it. That song is what got me through knowing God was there.
My husband and I don’t have a special song, but the one that I love is by Rascal Flatts called “God Bless the Broken Road”. Because for me, when I married my husband I had already walked a pretty broken road with some bad past relationships. As I look back, I know in spite of all the pain I went through, God blessed it & prepared my heart for him. I know maybe that sounds sappy, it’s not meant to be, but it just goes to show you that the Lord can make beauty out of ashes. I think it makes my love for my husband even more special :-)
I’ve never really read anything about a special song in a book, but it’s an interesting thought! Like whenever it plays, the hero & heroine stop and smile at each other….maybe even spontaneously dance in a grocery store aisle or somewhere if it come on. Wouldn’t that be fun?
Both my wife and I love music and have sung in choirs for many years, so picking favorite songs is a bit hard. I chose “I could never promise you” by Don Francisco to be sung at our wedding. The other song that has a special meaning for us is “Be Ye Glad” by Michael Kelly Blanchard (made popular by Glad). It was when I sang that at church that my future wife had her, then rather negative, opinion of me change. Turns out to have been a blessing for both of us, LOL!