You know the quote, right?
Steinbeck used it as a title.
But I had to do a little Googling to find it’s origin is in a Robert Burns poem. (I’ll admit to not loving Burns as much as someone who says they enjoy poetry probably ought. But I’ve always preferred Yeats or Wordsworth. And that’s neither here nor there.)
And still, the phrase–and the idea behind it–is somewhat ubiquitous.
I tend to go out of my way to make sure that, insofar as I’m able at least, I don’t put myself into situations where my plans can’t adapt to the changing tides of life.
But last year, when I was setting up the pre-order for the final book in my Billionaire Next Door series, I goofed.
I thought giving myself until the end of February–a solid six months–was plenty of time. It should have been! But as I’m sitting here writing this blog post, I’ve also got the mental math of how many words the story needs divided by the number of days until I’m supposed to be publishing it (minus the days that I need to give my editor, gulp) and…I might be panicked.
Fall of 2023 was strange. Out of nowhere, the five year anniversary of my mom’s death, my sister’s continuing battle with terminal cancer, some challenges from my husband’s family that are going to impact us, and just general stress from all the normal things that are part of being a wife, mom, daughter to an aging father, and person came crashing down all at once. And I froze.
Every time I’d open my Word document to work on Tristan’s story, I would freeze. There were no words. There were no ideas that might turn into words.
I managed to force out some progress through gritted teeth and force of will. But it’s been slower and harder fought than anything before, and honestly I’m scared to finish and go back through it and see if it’s even salvageable. (I will, mind you, but the prospect is daunting.)
And so I’m keeping in my back pocket the idea that I may have to crawl over to Amazon, throw myself on their mercy, and ask about pushing the pre-order deadline out. Something I’ve never had to do before (and really don’t want to do now). I hear that they’re generally pretty nice about it, but it feels like failure. Like I’m letting everyone down.
I don’t love that feeling.
Having hit this wall, has been very influential in how I’m approaching my planning and “goal setting” this year. Generally, I like to plan on publishing four books every year. One every quarter should be doable.
But there’s that “should,” you know?
So maybe in 2024 it’s going to end up as three.
And that’s okay. Because while the best laid plans of mice and men often come to ruin, the plans of God never do. I know that He has a plan for my writing. The wall I hit didn’t surprise Him – in fact, in some ways, that wall has been good. It’s forced me to let go expectations surrounding my writing – something that had been creeping in more and more over last year, and stealing a lot of joy from the process.
Tristan’s book will definitely come out in 2024. And, hopefully, at least two more books. Beyond that? I guess I’ll just be waiting to see what God has in store.
In the meantime, the first two books in my Peacock Hill series are free through Sunday. If you haven’t read that series, I hope you’ll give it a try!
I’d love to chat about plans you’ve made and had to change and how that worked out for you.
Ausjenny says
Hi Elizabeth, I feel for you. While I am not a writer I am a reader and similar timeline to you for me it was early August I moved. then Henry ran away came home went came home went came back and is gone. The old neighbourhood has more pull on him than my love for him. He is being feed and given cuddles when he wants by a lady who has catnapped him but I am at peace with it. But with all the stress and issues. I have 3 books I started during this time I just couldn’t finish. the few books I did were mostly novellas so really easy reading. I started another book of short stories and I know its ok but I just cant read right now. I haven’t really read since early Dec. I try hard but right now am just too tired and cant do it. So I do understand the struggle to open the page to start writing.
Don’t feel like you have failed it happens and while you may need to move the date it will happen.
It is also why I set a goal of 20 books rather than what I want to read. When I am struggling to read and am not going to get the goal It really stressed me. I need to have less stress cos stress adds to pain and exhaustion
Ellie says
I feel you! I always make plans and then feel like a failure if I can’t accomplish them all (even if it’s just my Saturday to do list). God doesn’t want us to feel like this though. We just need to give it our best and listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and what He tells us to do. :)
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Oh hugs. I’m sorry you’re having similar issues and your cat! Ugh. I am glad you have peace, I think I’d be raging mad.
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Absolutely! ❤️
Margaret Nelson says
Sorry to hear about all the challenges. I need to add you to my prayer list! My husband and I are supposed to visit the shut-ins of our church congregation, and serve them Communion. However, over the past year, my husband and I have had enough health challenges ourselves that we haven’t done very much visiting! We’ll see a week coming up that looks like it’s free enough of doctor’s visits that we should be able to do some visiting. It seems like those are the weeks we get sick with a runny nose, or tummy troubles, or just run out of energy too soon. There’s another gal in the church (with worse health challenges than ours) who has seemed to get in more visiting than we do! Oh well, the Lord knows about it all, and we keep trusting Him. I’ll be praying for you, and don’t worry – I can wait for your books – I’ve got plenty of others I’ve bought to keep me busy :-)
Trudy says
Your post is exactly why I don’t do reading challenges, set goals for how many books I want to read, and no New Year’s Resolutions! If I set that I’m going to read certain books, or a set number of books, or whatever resolution I might have, that puts undo pressure on me and I do NOT do well!! If I miss it, if I don’t like a book that I “have” to read, it’s just too much. I’d rather reading be fun, and if I read a lot, great, if not, that’s fine, too. Reading (and writing) should be fun, and if you have to “force” yourself to do it, it totally takes the fun out! I will say, Amazon is very forgiving to set the book back! I know quite a few authors who have done that, and they’d rather do that than miss a deadline!! Take your time and let God do His thing. The book will be all the better, and you know I LOVE this series!! I have to say, I’ve never NOT wanted to read!! Even with Mom’s passing, one of the things that got me through were the books I read! Especially having books to edit and ARC’s. They gave me something to focus on besides all of the changes.
Elizabeth Maddrey says
That’s definitely the beauty of books, there are so many wonderful ones out there. Thank you for praying!
Elizabeth Maddrey says
RuthieH says
I’m sorry to hear things have been so tough Elizabeth – please don’t be hard on yourself, a lot of books I pre order from Amazon end up being pushed back so it’s not just you who find plans change!
With young children I constantly find plans not working out – I’d love to say I am all calm and easy going about it, but I get really fustrated about the silliest things which really don’t matter in the end! I often feel God has given me the gift of my children in part as a needed lesson in humility and reminder to lean on and trust in him, rather than constantly planning and trying to be in control.
Ausjenny says
when I think how the lady could have rung as soon as she saw Henry (the second time) I wonder if he would have settled but I know he would have gone back. and keeping him in at night in summer when I have windows open he would have just broken out like he did the old place and I don’t really want to have to replace screens again. and here I need them more than the old place. I have to think about Libby too. She loves him but not the way he attacks cos he wants out. they use to play fight all the time Libby often started it but this is not play he pulls fur out and trying to stop him he is ready to turn on me which he has never done. He was so stressed but now he seems happy and I know Marlene loves him and will look after him and spoil him. If he wants me then I will bring him back.
I do feel at peace just get sad seeing all the photos of him in my memories. Libby seems ok on her own (although last night she drove me mad wanted me to get up way too early.
Debra Pruss says
I have had many road bumps come my way during my life-surviving an apartment fire, abuse by a date, being injured at work, becoming disabled, losing my Mom. Through it all, I have leaned into the Lord. He has always sustained me through it all. I cannot say that everything has been better on the other side. I just know that I have grown more because of His unfailing love and strength. God bless you.
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Oh gosh yes, even as my kids get older I have to remember how to be flexible and roll with things. Not my strong suit!
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Love this. It’s so true. God always sustains
Ausjenny says
update I took food to Henry’s caretaker (I am still his mama and owner) and he was in the garden and came out as soon as he heard me coming. he wanted lots and lots of cuddles. it was so good and to see he is doing so well. he is now having breakfast and tea there and he lets the lady pick him up to cuddle so he is happy. As much as I want him with me I know he’s where he needs to be. when they go away I will go feed him.
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Dianne K says
Oh Elizabeth, aren’t we all just stubborn rebels, we all want to do it our way!!!
Sounds like it is a mass push for all of us to learn a bit of grace and humility and deference and aargh that awful word listening so we work within divine timing instead of what we think the timing should be.
A failure, I don’t think so, human, absolutely!
Even if we think we work better under pressure and being a woman the expectations in society are monumental, let go and let God, maybe I should print it out and stick on the wall for this year.
Thank you for opening up and giving us the blessing and opportunity to be gracious and support you and ourselves from your post. xoxo
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Thank you so much for this reply. It hit my heart. ❤️
Dianne K says
As did your post, if I knew how to insert a hug emoji I would!
You make such a difference in my life with your posts and I just downloaded your books to start reading as soon as I can read again. xoxo